Chapter 14 - 1995's

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                                                       Taehyung's Point of View

After the meeting I knew that me and Jimin had to talk things through. He was really upset with both of us but mostly with me. I needed to make things right. He was my best friend.

"Do you know how it made me feel finding out about my best friend being in a relationship? and not just with anyone but with Jungkook! It didn't come from you, and if Jungkook didn't make a move we would have probably found out from Bang PD. I thought you wanted to share everything with me Taehyung...good and bad" Jimin blurted out as soon as we entered my bedroom.

I didn't know what to say. I was sitting down, across from him on my room's floor. He had his knees close to his body and both his hands wrapped around them.

It was hard for me to keep eye contact with him. Seeing Jimin so upset and disappointed in me broke my heart. He was right. I would feel the same if he hid something like this from me for so long.

I moved and sat next to him.

"Jimin...I am truly sorry for not telling you earlier. I can understand how upsetting it is to find out this way. We should have told you earlier. I don't know why we hesitated..." I finally found my voice to speak.

"I knew something was going on. I could see the way you both looked each other. But I thought if something was going to happen I would be one of the first ones to wouldn't hide it from me. Then you both started to weirdly especially when it was just the three of us. And then you started becoming more and more distant. I thought that you didn't want to be my friend anymore...I was trying to figure out what I did wrong..." Jimin confessed.

I had no idea he felt that way.

"You have done nothing wrong Jimin. It was our fault. I had no idea you felt that way and it really breaks my heart that you thought we didn't want you as friend. You know how I feel about you Jimin and that will never change. You are my best friend! It was hard not being able to share everything with you about happiness. There were so many times that I wanted to run with you to our spot and tell you everything..."

"Really?" Jimin said looking at me relieved. I've put my arm around him and rest my head on his.

"Why didn't you then? All these three months you both kept me in the dark. Don't you trust me enough? I know keeping secrets is not my forte, but your relationship would have been safe with me..." Jimin continued.

"It's not that we didn't trust you Jimin! It's more that we didn't really trust ourselves I guess..."I tried to explain.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked looking at me with his curious eyes.

"This...being with each other this way was something very new to both of us...trying to figure out how to be with each other...being more that friends. We got to know each other in a very different way and it was exciting, but in many ways, it was overwhelming also. We needed some time..."

"That makes sense...I guess I wanted to be part of your journey as you are both so special to me, but I understand now."

Seeing that Jimin wasn't upset anymore brought a smile back to my face. I couldn't help it but put him in my embrace.

"I am sorry Jimin" I apologised once again.

"I have a lot to tell you" I said not being able to hide my excitement.

"I am so happy for you both Taehyungie. I cannot wait to hear it all. Soooo... let's start with your plans for your three-month anniversary?"

                                                               ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                                                           Next morning

My alarm went off for the third time. Jimin and I stayed up all night talking. We haven't done that in a while and we had a lot talk about.

I finally found the courage to get out of the bed. I had so many things to prepare for our anniversary. I wanted to make this day special for us...for him.

I took a quick shower and wore black trousers and Jungkook's favourite black hoodie. I dried my hair for one last time before I headed out the room.

Jungkook doesn't get up till about 8 in the morning when we had our free days. I checked my phone and it was already 6:30am. I better hurry up if I want to make it in time for my first surprise.

I headed down to the kitchen where I was going to attempt to cook some breakfast for Jungkook. I am hopeless in the kitchen, so I hope I can manage to make something eatable.

First things first, let's find all the ingredients that I am going to need. I pulled out the recipes I found last night with Jimin.

It was 7:45am and I just needed to place my final touches on my dishes. I was surprised I didn't burn the place down. But I have made a big mess in the kitchen and I don't have time to clean up. The other members are not going to be happy with that. I will deal with them later. Now it's time to wake up Jungkook.

I placed everything carefully on a tray and started to walk slowly, trying not spill everything. I took three steps forward and I could see Yoongi coming down to the kitchen. He was not going to like what he was about to see.

I usually run away in these kinds of situations, but the tray is getting in the way of me escaping grandpa Yoongi. I managed to take two more steps. Yoongi reached the kitchen entrance. For a grandpa, he walked fast I thought to myself and chuckled.

"What's so fanny? Where are you going with all these food? What have you done to the kitchen? " sleepy Yoongi asked while rubbing his eyes in disbelief of what he was looking at.

"Hyung, I have been cooking since 6:30 in the surprise Jungkook." I said feeling shy all of a sudden. It felt strange that everyone knew about us.

"You cooked all these? By yourself?" Yoongi asked pointing at the tray I was holding.

"Yes hyung, I've made all these!" I answered proudly.

Yoongi stepped the kitchen, walked around looking at the mess I have created saying "Poor Jungkook!" repeatedly.

I didn't know what to do. Should I just leave him and go to Jungkook or was he expecting me to stay and clean up?

"Hyung..." I exclaimed to get his attention.

"Ah yes! You are lucky I am feeling good today, so I will let you go to Jungkook. I am just going to wake up Jimin to help me" Yoongi finally said looking satisfied with his solution.

"No don't wakeup Jimin. He slept late last night. Let him sleep." I said in an attempt to convince him.

"Oh, I know what time he slept! He came to our room to sleep last night and he ended up waking me up. It's time for his punishment" Yoongi said with a satisfactory smile on his face.

I looked at the clock! It was 7:55am!

" I need to go. I am late! Please go easy on Jimin."

"Go and don't worry about Jimin!"

I turned around and started walking towards Jungkook's room. I heard Yoongi's voice behind me. The tone of his voice was was his sweet tone.

"Taehyungie...happy anniversary".

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