Chapter 24 - The final push

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                                        Taehyung's Point of View

I was standing in the closet next door to the meeting room, breathless. Why couldn't I control myself? What was he thinking?

I know what he was trying to do and he got his answer after all. I need to put an end to this. How am I supposed to stop him? Before I go the chance to put myself together, Jungkook walked in.


Our heavy breathing was the only thing filling the room. I took a step back, letting myself become one with the wall behind me.

I feared what his next move might be. I was more scared of myself...of what I could do...of what I wanted to do.

"I am not going to do anything. Don't worry" Jungkook broke the silence answering my unspoken thoughts.

"I just want us to talk. You are pushing me away and I want to know why. What scared you away? Please talk to me Tae!" Jungkook continued with his desperation for answers echoing in the room.

At that moment I wished the ground opened and swallowed me whole. I was torn. I didn't know how to respond to his question.

One side of me wanted to tell him the truth but then where was that going to leave us, him, his family?

I felt his parents' breath down my neck. Why can't I get passed that conversation? I started to question if my feelings for Jungkook were as strong as I thought.

I felt weak for not being able to stand up for myself and Jungkook. I felt like I failed our relationship...that I failed him.

I am not sure for how long I have been standing there in silence, lost in my thoughts. Jungkook was patiently waiting for me.

I needed to give him some answers and they had to be convincing this time around.

It was time to put another mask on and let the show begin.

"What I said to you yesterday, I've meant it. I am not sure what you are trying to do but you need to stop" I finally said with a cold tone in my voice.

"So, you left the meeting today because you don't have feelings for me? You took care of me last night because you don't have feelings for me anymore? I wonder why I still can't believe you" Jungkook said sarcastically.

"Because I don't have romantic feelings for you that doesn't mean I don't have any feelings for you anymore. We grew up together, we have been through so much, of course I will always care for you" I responded.

What I said was true, I will never stop caring for him...loving him...

Jungkook was looking at me as if he was trying to process everything I was saying. I think I was getting through him this time around. I was determined to do so.

"As for this morning, I'm still human. When you tease me like that in front of everyone, it's normal to have a reaction" I continued.

"Oh! Is that so?" Jungkook said sounding less confident than before. Jungkook takes a step forward so that we were inches away from each other.

Everything inside me was crumbling. I needed to keep myself together this time. I couldn't show any weakness. I managed to appear unaffected by our proximity.

Jungkook made his next move and pushed himself on me. I was trapped between the wall and his body.

He gently brushed his lips on the right side of my neck all the way up to my ear. His warm breath was electrifying against my cold skin.

He joined his forehead with mine. His hands were cupping my face. I remained visibly unbothered by his presence.

I felt my body shivering. I tried to shut down every emotion...every feeling I had at that moment.

"Baby please don't do this. Please...I love you with all my heart. I would do anything for you...for us. I am begging you please don't give up on us..." Jungkook said with every word tracing on my lips with his.

He called me baby? This is the first time I heard him calling me that. It was silly, but a spark fired hearing this, bringing warmth to my frozen heart.

I felt Jungkook's tears falling on my cheeks. It took everything I had in me not to hug not kiss tell him how much I love him...

'You have to stay strong' I kept telling myself to help me go through this for once and for all.

I take his hands off my face and push him firmly away from me. His warmth left a mark on my body.

"Jungkook you need to stop making a fool of yourself and accept the truth. We are no longer together. Nothing more, nothing less" I said bluntly.

I felt hollow. I killed every bit of myself with each word that came out of my mouth. I knew that things will never be the same after this.

Jungkook wiped his tears away. His gaze changed. I couldn't quite figure out how he was feeling.

I suddenly felt his hand across my cheek. And this time it wasn't a gentle touch...he slapped me!

"I don't know you anymore...and I don't want to know you! I promise you I won't bother you ever again! You chose this Taehyung...there is no going back now" Jungkook stated with confidence in his voice.

I just stood head was still turned from Jungkook's slap. I couldn't make eye contact with him. I just wanted this to be over...

Jungkook opened the door and stepped outside. He stopped. He was looking straight ahead. It was like he saw a ghost.

I then hear two words come out of his mouth that paralyzed me.

"Mum? Dad?"

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