Chapter 36 - Powerless

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                                                  Jungkook's Point of View

I got lost into my thoughts. The cold weather was penetrating my body. It was so painful, but I needed that pain. Maybe I deserved that pain. My thoughts began to fade away. It felt good.

My body was begging me to go back inside but I couldn't. I didn't want to.

Every muscle in my body was tense. I was shaking from top to bottom. My clothes were soaking wet. The snow showed no mercy and kept falling on me, burring me alive.

My body was numb. I could barely keep myself standing up. The pile of snow formed around my feet was holding me in place.

I couldn't think of anything other than that I was freezing. I felt at peace. I didn't want to think...I didn't want to feel...

I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. Darkness was all I could see now. Noises of cars passing by, the wind viciously passing through the trees and people talking and laughing in the distance have all become one. I couldn't distinguish the sounds anymore.

The wind didn't feel as painful as before. The darkness was getting deeper. The sounds were fading away. It was almost silence.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. My eyes shot open. Another message. I didn't want to see it. What if it was from them? What were they going to say now? Will it be better if I wasn't here? Will that keep him safe?

Involuntary tears were running down my face. Their warmth didn't last long. I closed my eyes again. I wanted to go back to darkness, back to silence.

I felt some pressure on my shoulders. Something was warming up my face. I managed to open my eyes. Someone was standing in front me. My view was blurry.

Was it really him? I could see Taehyung...I think. It was difficult to keep my eyes open. My mind wasn't clear. I was losing my senses.

I felt pressure around my body.

"T...T...Tae" I said instinctively.

There was more noise around me. I still couldn't make sense of it. I was in and out of darkness.

"T...Tae please...stay...away!" I managed to say in my delirium. I used every bit of strength I had in me to get these words out.

I couldn't feel my body anymore. I collapsed.

I could feel chaos around me, but I was still. Peaceful even. His voice was bringing back from the darkness.

I was in and out of life. Every now and then I felt I didn't exist. It's hard to explain with words.

His voice wouldn't let me go. It was pulling me back to life. I couldn't resist. I wanted to hear his voice.

It was getting harder and harder to keep up with his voice. I was losing him. I tried...I really did.

I lost his voice...I couldn't hear him anymore.

                                                                  ● ● ●

                                              Taehyung's Point of View

I was pacing up and down the hospital corridor. My heart was beating so fast, it felt it would come out of my chest at any moment.

I haven't been this scared in my life. He was my life. If he is gone...I...

"Taehyung please sit down. He is going to be OK! He was breathing when we reached the hospital." Minho attempted to calm me down.

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