7. Decision

381 45 16

1006 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written September 12 2019
Posted October 17 2019

Since I was really productive yesterday, and to make up for changing the update dates to Thursday's...

I give you an extra chapter so that that 1 extra day of waiting next week is no longer existant~

"You can't be serious!" Ginzo hissed, appalled at the thought of actually living in that sketchy house, it probably didn't have any heating for fucks sake! He'd freeze to death before the winter even ended.

Kaito turned away so that his back was facing the other, a small frown on his lips "I could always send you to another one of my acquaintances, not the same one who is caring for your daughter though" It would be too risky for Ginzo to stay with his daughter. When the inspector got going, his rage was one of a kind "I'd just check in and visit once in a while to take some blood samples for testing" He offered, a little disappointing. He'd be lying if he said that he hadn't been a little excited to have some company, but it wasn't like he could force Ginzo to stay against his will. The guy's life had basically been stolen from him, he didn't want to take away what little freedom the guy had "I'd tell them that you're like me, a really smart kid and that should be taken seriously" He finished.

Ginzo lit up as he opened his mouth to respond. A sudden thought crossed through his mind "Why aren't you and your mother staying with any of your acquaintances?" Surely that would have made Kaito's life a lot easier.

The boy shrugged "I'd be putting anyone I hang around too much with in a lot of danger" He glanced back, flashing Ginzo a grin "The only reason I actually let you come here is because I couldn't possibly put you in anymore danger than you're already in" His gaze darkened momentarily "Mom learned that the hard way and died to protect her friend" She'd gotten too close and had gotten tracked down as a result. People who openly go about without proper identification and legal papers eventually garnered suspicion. Thankfully his mom had managed to make sure her friend's family stayed safe as well before her death. Kaito didn't want to go through that so he just lived like a ghost.

The inspector's mouth went dry. Kaito had been living like this all alone?! He'd thought that he at least had his mother to help care for him. What if he'd gotten sick while in that house? Children got sick a lot, he knew this because of Aoko. Nobody would have been aware of his death if he'd gotten a fever and became too weak to get help, especially in the winter "You're really all alone?" He inquired, maybe there was an uncle or aunt the boy could rely on.

"Yup, mom died a few months before dad" Kaito replied, making sure his voice betrayed no emotion. Ginzo grit his teeth, Kaito may be Kid, but he was also a child. A child shouldn't have to live in fear like this. He wasn't stupid, all of Kaito's actions were based on fear in order to not get caught. Hell, he wanted to catch Kid and put him in jail, but he really couldn't catch him if he'd gone and died somewhere.

He frowned in thought, Kaito could have easily dropped him off at this acquaintance's place and explained everything from there. So why did Kaito reveal so much to him and bring him here instead. He could have just lived alone like before. Ginzo's thought process paused as he took note of Kaito's stance. The other was facing away from him, as if he didn't want to give away his thoughts on the matter. Did Kaito actually want him to stay with him? He was living all alone after all, and he was also just a child despite his many talents "Kaito" Ginzo paused, a little unsure on how he should phrase his thoughts "Did you bring me here because I was the first person who could safely come into contact with you?" Because you were lonely? It wouldn't have been odd for the other to have snatched onto the first chance of companionship he got. He'd always imagined Kid to be a very social person.

Kaito momentarily tensed before forcibly making his stance relax "Yeah, sorry about that" He gave a bright grin, his eyes not matching the smile "I'll go and see what I can do regarding my acquaintance" He breathed, giving off a relaxed air.

Fuck! He'd been right. Guilt tugged at Ginzo for having not noticed that the other had been lonely. No wonder Kid had often randomly shown up at the station to pull pranks so often. Pranking the task force was a safe way to interact with others. His visits were never on any sort of schedule so it'd be hard to ambush the guy "Actually, I've changed my mind" The inspector inwardly sighed at his words. Goodbye toilets and warm showers. A child in distress was more important than his comfort. He couldn't even imagine, and would never want Aoko to be forced live how Kaito was out of fear "I figured that it'd be good character growth for me to live like this" He paused "Maybe it'll help me appreciate things a bit more once everything's settled" He finished. He couldn't really drag Kaito to a better living space, the boy was unfortunately taller and stronger than him right now. At best he'd just annoy Kaito with any attempts, at worst Kaito could just disappear into a possibly worse abode.

Kaito spun around to face him with a bright smile "Okay, I bought you some extra clothes for you while I was out, they're on your bed" He was actually going to have someone to talk to! It'd been so long since he could do that as himself!

The inspector frowned "Isn't that bed yours?" He didn't see any other beds in the house.

"Yeah, but I'm more used to living with less comfort" He shrugged "You can have the bed until I finish making one for you"

"If you can make beds, why haven't you already made yourself a better one?" He scolded, the boy's priorities were seriously skewered.

Me: Ginzo, who has a child Kaito's age, couldn't just leave the boy all alone

Omg I just love writing this book so much >^<

It's my current fav~~ So fun~

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