82. Safe, Plans, Thoughts

137 14 9

1020 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written November 7 2020
Posted December 5 2020

By the time dinner was ready, Kaito was excited. He couldn't remember ever eating a turkey that wasn't takeout or from the garbage. He could only imagine what freshly cooked turkey would taste like, especially with all the different foods that they were going to be eating with it as well.

Ginzo couldn't help the small smile that spread across his lips at the happy sound Kaito had made at the first mouthful before a blush dusted Kaito's cheeks. The boy obviously hadn't meant to make a noise.

"I'm glad that you like it" Misty's smile was soft, Kaito was such an adorable child whenever he let his guard down.

Kaito returned the smile, ears burning "It's hard not to" The two of them had really done an amazing job cooking this meal.

After that, dinner had ended up being a simple yet enjoyable affair, by the time they'd all finished up cleaning, it'd gotten quite late. Kaito was currently snuggled up on the couch, half asleep. The combination of the day's antics and the large meal had made him tired, in a good way that is. It was different than the exhaustion that came with being scared or upset. The boy was content to just laze comfortably on the couch.

Misty giggled, snapping a picture of the drowsy Kaito "I wonder if you'll actually be able to stay up on New Years Eve" She teased affectionately. The old Kaito would have had no trouble staying up, but things had changed for the better.

"I will be able to" Kaito covered a yawn with his hand "I have a heist planned that night" Unlike with Christmas, New Years Eve was more for celebration than family when the two were compared "Gotta stay active" He would not let another killing spree happen because of him. So many children had died... It was unforgivable.

"A heist?" Ginzo blinked, well it had been a while since Kaito had hosted one "What's the target?"

"The Mermaid's Heart" Kaito smiled "It's back in Japan so I want to check it before it leaves again" It was a tear shaped sapphire and the gem itself was the size of a quarter, embedded into an elegant silver linked necklace, it was a far cry from the usual gaudy jewels he often went after. Kaito sat up, indigo gleaming "I wanted to go after it before, remember?" But it had already left Japan so he'd been forced to change his target to The Sea's Regret. That had been a horrible heist, hopefully this one will be better.

Ginzo nodded "Yeah, I remember" It made sense to go after it now that it was back. The gem wasn't extremely large, but it was big enough to be a Pandora candidate.

"Let me guess, the time is going to be at midnight?" Misty inquired, grinning. It was the most dramatic time to choose, something that Kaitou Kid was known for.

Kaito returned the grin "Of course" How could have there been any doubt?

"Won't it be displayed in an aquatic themed room?" The inspector asked.

The boy blinked, grimacing as Ginzo's questions registered "Possibly..."

"Fish" Kaito flinched at Misty's words, the woman sighed "Will you even be able to enter the exhibit if it ends up being filled with fish themed items?" The way the boy was cringing was enough of an answer, she turned towards Ginzo "You'll probably have to be nearby for backup"

"Yeah..." Who knew that Kaito's chosen fear would come back to bite him so soon?

The boy spluttered "It'll be fine!" He insisted "I'm skilled enough to do it with my eyes closed" At the dark look he received from Ginzo, he blushed "And if I do open my eyes, I can just run away" Preferably with the jewel.

Ginzo pursed his lips "I'm still going just in case" From experience he knew that Kaito tended to freeze or become unable to think clearly if the level of fear was high enough.

Kaito eyed the other before letting out a sigh "Fine" It wouldn't hurt for Ginzo to tag along, he wasn't expecting too much danger, the gem was barely big enough to attract the Crows.

The rest of the evening went on peacefully with Kaito taking the couch and Misty spending the night in his room. It'd been too late and the woman had been happy enough to stay instead of trekking back home in the middle of the night.

A few hours after falling asleep, Kaito ended up waking up. The boy snuggled more into his blanket, the large fabric keeping him warm. Today had been great, really great. He bit his lip, feeling conflicted, he wanted more days to be like this. He'd felt so safe, warm, and happy. So very happy.

Indigo burned, he didn't want the happiness to end. Misty's words from before the last heist went through his head, What if Kaitou Kid stays dead? If he just gave up on being Kid, would they be able to stay like this? No more Kid. No more danger. No more fear. If he just made up an identity, he could possibly live a normal life.

He... Why did he have to be the one to beat the Crows again? Yes he was skilled, but couldn't adults be trained instead? Yes their existence ruined his life, but wouldn't that keep happening until they were gone? Kaito chewed on his lip, what if his parents had given him to an orphanage? Why hadn't they? He hadn't even known them that well since they were always acting, always playing a role.

Kaito sniffed, a sense loathing filling him. He liked this happiness, could he have gotten it sooner if he'd been given away instead of being trained and given partial information? Why did his parents force the safety of so many people onto him? He wished that he didn't care about all the jewel owners that the Crows could kill.

No no. Kaito shook his head, he was just feeling funny since today had been so great. He couldn't think about stupid things like that, he was needed to take down the Crows. Ginzo needed to get his life back, being selfish wouldn't fix anything.

Me: Kaito wants to be happy, but he can't without hurting the main person who makes him happy~

Christmas is a happy time, but also a sad time for many people~

Kaito is so happy that it made him sad to realize it couldn't last

I am so bad at naming chapters... At least they don't spoil too much

Hope you enjoyed~

=^= online order of SD card was 49.99$... I was .01$ away from free shipping...

So I added in a $10 online switch card to save 6$ since even if it was taxed (it wasn't) it still would have been cheaper~ because I was buying the SD card to buy stuff on my switch anyways XP

It's a simple thing, but made me feel so smart XD

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