69. Confrontation, Concern

164 16 11

1016 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written June 28 2020
Posted August 8 2020

"Um" Kaito paused, offering a small smile "I may have gotten shot at?" His tone was a bit pitched.

Ginzo opened his mouth to scold the boy before closing it, forcing his posture to relax a bit. Kaito wasn't the one he was mad at "Do you have any idea why?" He inquired, hoping that the other hadn't seen the news while he was out.

The boy eyed Ginzo curiously "No" He hadn't been doing anything suspicious. He frowned, indigo narrowed in thought "But I'm worried that I was targeted" Was his cover blown? If it was, had the inspector's been blown as well? If so, then the other's daughter was probably in danger, or already dead.

His relief that Kaito wasn't aware was short lived as Ginzo watched the boy quickly get lost in thought, Kaito's body visibly tensing at whatever was going through his mind. Alarm suddenly filled him when Kaito's eye began to shine with unshed tears "Oi" He put his hands on the other's shoulder "What are you thinking right now?" He couldn't read minds, but he could easily tell that Kaito was upset.

Kaito swallowed, suddenly feeling sick "Our cover might be blown" His words were strained as a small shiver ran down his spine "I'm not sure if it's already too late" He kept his gaze lowered, feeling too guilty to meet the other's gaze. Aoko could be dead because of him, he'd promised that Ginzo's daughter would be protected.

Ginzo inwardly cursed, of course he would come to that conclusion if he wasn't aware of the news! He should have realized that "That doesn't make any sense" He gave Kaito's shoulders a little squeeze "If you, as Kid, were the target, you'd have been shot as soon as you left" He breathed "But you weren't right?" Kaito blinked before giving a small nod "So that means that our location isn't being watched"

The boy was silent for a few moments "Keibu, you're acting too calm" Shouldn't Ginzo be scolding or fussing over him? Instead, the other had actually shown some signs of relief now that he thought about it. Ginzo wouldn't be relieved about him being shot, not if he knew something worse "What are you hiding?" His tone was even as he met Ginzo's gaze.

"I-" If he lied, he'd might damage Kaito's trust in him "I don't want to lie to you" Ginzo held the other's gaze "So I'm not going to tell you" He didn't want Kaito to do anything stupid.

Indigo widened, Ginzo's expression said a lot "If you're not telling me, then it must be bad" His mind whirled into action, how could Ginzo know something big without telling him? The other hadn't really left the house. Indigo narrowed, Misty was here though, she could have given Ginzo some information. His gaze flickered towards the kitchen where he suspected the woman was lingering, it was a possibility, but then the information couldn't be about the crows. Oh! He took out his phone, hopping away when the inspector tried to snatch it.

"Kaito" Ginzo's face was pinched with concern "Please don't" He pleased as he followed after the boy.

"I unplugged the internet cable" Both males paused, looking over at Misty who'd finally exited the kitchen. Her eyes were soft "You won't be able to get it back until I say so" She'd taken it while the inspector had been distracted and before Kaito had returned, just in case.

"Misty..." Kaito's shoulder's were tense as he glanced down at the news app that refused to load "Why?" What could possibly be so bad that the two of them were so desperate to hide from him?

Slate softened as Misty made her way over to him, pulling him into a hug "It's because we love you" She ran her fingers through his hair "So we're scared about what you might try to do" She didn't want to lose Kaito.

Ginzo nodded since Kaito was already being hugged "You're so damn smart Kaito" His tone was soft "But you're also prone to doing stupid things" He paused "We don't want to lose you"

Indigo burned as he leaned into the hug, this was too much, way too much. He'd known, so why was he suddenly feeling overwhelmed by the affection, by the love? "What if I promise to stay put?" His voice cracked a bit. He needed to know what happened, it had to be about the skipped heist, he just knew it. He needed to know how many people died because of him.

"You promise?" Ginzo inquired softly, heart aching at how vulnerable Kaito looked. It made him want to hide the information from Kaito even more, it would hurt him, he just knew it. At the same time however, he knew that the boy always kept to his word.

Kaito hesitated for a few moments before answering "I promise that I'll stay put" The words felt bitter on his tongue, already knowing that he'd regret the promise.

"Okay" Misty breathed, still looking worried as she pulled away. She slipped her hand into her shirt and pulled out the internet cable. She'd hidden it there because no matter how desperate the boy was, he would never stick his hand in her shirt. She reattached the cord before turning towards the boy "You're going to sit in the middle of the couch, sandwiched between me an Nakamori-san hugging you" Kaito was not going to hide alone in his room to read the news, she wouldn't let him.

Once the three of them were on the couch, the internet had properly kicked in, allowing Kaito to access the news on his phone. He immediately paled at the news lines, all of them talked about child killings and Kid "What?" It was quiet, barely audible. He couldn't help but shiver as he contemplated which article he should read first, none of them sounded good.

Misty leaned over, scrolling the screen a bit before clicking on the article she'd read "This is the one that I saw before coming over"

Kaito nodded silently, that sounded like a good place to start. He braced himself before starting to read the article.

Me: Poor Kaito is going to hurt so much~ will he break some more?

Hope you enjoyed~

>~< I'm so excited~ my Pokemon mystery dungeon DX is supposed to arrive in the mail in a few days hopefully~ imma be a skitty and cubone~

I love the mystery dungeon series, the story is always nice in the first 2 games... I don't play main series anymore...

... explorers of sky almost made me cry when I was younger... I will cry (shriek) from joy if it gets a remake, then dread the childhood trauma of discharge... *shudders*

I doubt anyone will understand the reference... Thank god I was always a vulpix and shinx... I woulda thrown a fit if I was a water type

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