15. Decimo + Cinq

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1005 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

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Written September 17 2019
Posted November 14 2019

Kaito let out a few more good coughs before taking in a deep breath to forcibly stabilise his breathing. He flashed Ginzo a reassuring smile "I'm fine" He stated, voice slightly hoarse from his coughing fit. He grimaced, gently massaging his throat to ease some of his discomfort.

Ginzo scowled at the boy, the smoke surrounding them having dissipated into the air "What the hell happened?" He growled. There was no way Kaito was completely fine if he needed to massage his throat.

The boy let out a small choked giggle "I was feeling sleepy so I decided to work on something less delicate" There was no way that he'd work on Ginzo's possible cure while he was half asleep. He didn't want to accidentally poison the guy due to one of his calculations being slightly off. That would be both horrifying and pathetic.

The inspector scoffed "Less delicate means explosive tests?" He attempted to brush some of the odd soot off of Kaito's shoulder. He failed, only managing to spread it deeper into the threads "How the hell does that make any sense?!" He growled, he wasn't fond of random explosions. He was also pretty sure that most people shared his sentiment as well.

Kaito shook his head, a wave of coloured powder flying from his unruly locks. He did so again in an attempt to further displace the powder "It wasn't actually that dangerous" He countered "I was working on something for a future heist" He shrugged, looking a little sheepish "I just nodded off a bit and messed up the chemical concentration then 'boom!'" He raised his arms dramatically near the end before letting them fall back down to his sides. In reality, he'd actually also sneezed while pouring some chemicals while half asleep. The sneeze had made the chemicals spill faster than he'd intended them to.

"I thought that you were going to put off heists for a while" Ginzo frowned, he didn't like the idea of there being a Kid heist that he wouldn't be able to attend. Who would lead the task force in his stead?

Kaito nodded "That's the plan, but something might come up where I need to pull a heist" It had happened a few times in the past, especially when copy cats tried to blame him. That was always a pain to deal with. It wasn't like he ever really had a completely solid alibi outside of heists, and even during heists it was iffy at best.

Ginzo's eyes narrowed "Are your tricks always so dangerous to create?" He'd never really thought about how Kid really got all of his tricks. Sure he'd guessed that Kid had made them, he'd just never thought of the actual process of making them.

Indigos gleamed, a small smile playing on Kaito's lips. It felt a little nice to have someone being concerned for his safety "Sometimes" His smile morphed into a grin at Ginzo's concerned look "But not today" He snickered "I was working on smoke bombs and they all had a little chain reaction. The noise was probably the new sound bombs I've been working on" They were a little too effective, he'd have to change some of his calculations on them "The only danger I was in was from suffocation, but I quickly bolted out of there before the air got too thick" Kaito finished, there was a slight burning sensation in the back of his throat. He needed to drink water soon.

The inspector raised a brow, crossing his arms "So since you were sleepy, you decided to work on explosive tricks rather than rest?" Why was this guy even alive?! He had to have almost zero self preservation.

"It was a better option than working on the cure" He smiled "Wouldn't it have been awful if I messed up and ended up poisoning you instead?" Despite the light delivery, he knew that he'd never be able to forgive himself if that actually happened.

"I'd prefer that you actually rest when you're tired" The inspector growled, of course Kid wouldn't take care of himself like a normal person. He just had to be the exception.

Indigos squinted "Then my sleep schedule would become even more messed up than it already is" He staggered to his feet, absentmindedly brushing himself off "I worked really hard to make myself almost nocturnal" He huffed, extending a hand to help Ginzo up.

"Maybe you shouldn't be nocturnal anymore" Ginzo argued as he accepted the help up, making sure to keep his voice steady. He'd noted that the other was more likely to cover his ears than to listen to him when he yelled. It was odd, Kid never did that. Kid was also usually farther away from him though.

Kaito made a disgusted face "But then I'd be bored, I can't explore the city  during the day" But he also couldn't just sleep through the day with Ginzo here with him. He also couldn't make Ginzo change his sleep schedule to match his own anyways. After a few moments of thought, Kaito's shoulders lowered in defeat "Though I guess things have to change since you're here too" He sighed, knowing that the inspector was right. Working while sleepy wasn't really an effective way to get things done. He'd make more progress wide awake.

"Good" Ginzo nodded in approval "On heist nights you can just get some extra sleep during the day like a normal person" Ginzo added, knowing that he wasn't going to be able to stop the other from actually pulling more heists just yet. Maybe one day he'll find out just what pulling off one of those fancy heists really accomplished. Kaito hadn't yet given him that information yet despite how open he's been. He had a strong feeling he'd never really know until Kaito wanted him to know.

"Eww" Kaito whined, looking dismayed "Acting like a normal person isn't any fun"

Ginzo rolled his eyes at the over the top dramatics "I have a feeling that you'll be able to cope" He stated, earning him an unimpressed look from the other.

Past Berry: This was really fun to write~ I've written so much these past 8 days since I've started this book~ 15 Chapters in 8 days... Yay~ If only berry had a comfy writing chair...

Current Berry: ^~^ Berry loves writing more than 1 book at a time with stockpile because then she can ignore some books to work on another when stuck~

Or berry can sit on her butt and be lazy for a month or 2...

Nobody would notice unless they looked at the written dates XD

And currently... berry is being a lazy person due to addiction to a game
•3• currently only writing chappy after posting a part to maintain minimum instead of boosting stock

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