73. Fuzzy, Fear

148 20 12

1017 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written July 29 2020
Posted September 12 2020

Kaito felt, lost. That was the only way that he knew how to describe it, and even then, it didn't really feel right. It was kinda hard to pay attention to things right now, but that was apparently to be expected? He'd been told that, or at least he thought he'd been? Things would go back to normal after his mind settled a bit. He didn't even really remember what had happened after he'd entered the dark study, one moment the door was closing, and the next, he was being led by Danashi to the living area.

Paying attention to the conversation between Gunter and Danashi took too much effort, so he'd stopped trying after the first minute. It hadn't been worth the growing pain, but thankfully it ended when he'd just let his mind float.

Some movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention, so he turned to see what had been placed beside him. Big mistake. Kaito shrieked, somehow leaping both up and behind the couch, fear and adrenaline pulsing through his veins as he bolted to the furthest corner of the room, away from that thing. Those small buggy eyes and slimy scales, his breath got caught in the back of his throat, he needed to get away. Now he was balanced in the room's ceiling corner. Kaito forced his eyes to close, turning his face so that he was no longer looking at the dreaded thing. His trembling and sweating were making it harder to keep his grip, but that wouldn't stop him. He needed to keep his distance.

Danashi's heart went out to the petrified boy, he wanted to comfort him, but Gunter had advised him not to. It was apparently best to allow the fear to cement itself before Kaito's mind settled fully, any comfort may risk ruining the desired effect "How long should this go on for?" He inquired.

Gunter was silent for a few moments, observing the pure terror, it was quite interesting "Until he either faints, or his mind settles enough for him to become properly aware" He'd never thought about actually permanently ingraining a strong fear into someone before, usually he only bothered with causing short term trauma since the desired result was usually death. Maybe he should experiment later... "Though I must say, the boy's agility is quite impressive" He'd almost missed the boy's actions.

The superintendent inwardly cursed, thankful that he hadn't gotten Ginzo to come over first "Thank you for helping him" Since complaining wouldn't do anything, he might as well thank the illusionist. He was definitely going to get Kaito to go to therapy one day. A loud thunk made both males turn back towards Kaito, the boy had apparently passed out and fallen.

"I don't mind" Gunter paused "Today's events were intriguing... But I should probably get going now" He had a lot to think about concerning his talents and the potential new tactics he could use.

Danashi saw the other out before going over to check on Kaito, the poor boy looked haunted, even in his sleep. Yeah, it was a good thing that Ginzo hadn't been here. At least it didn't seem like the boy had hurt himself from the fall, the worst of the damage was going to be a small bump on the head, and maybe a few bruises. He really should have moved something to catch him, what if he'd fallen bad and snapped his neck?

Ginzo felt restless as he sat in the backseat of the cab, the knowledge that Kaito had actually been captured, but had gotten saved had terrified him. What would have happened if that illusionist hadn't spotted the boy being taken? The only thing that had stopped him from full out panicking was that Danashi had also stated that Kaito had been fine within the same text message.

Now he and Misty were heading over to Danashi's home, neither one wanting to wait for the boy to return on his own. Misty had actually stayed the night, using Kaito's bed since the boy hadn't been planning to use it due to heist prep. The ride was both tense and silent, neither one of them wanting to risk accidentally giving out any vital information due to stress.

When they arrived, Misty quickly paid the driver, at that point the inspector had already left the cab "There's no need to run" The woman sighed once the cab had driven off. The driveway wasn't long enough for it to have made any difference since they needed Danashi to let them in.

When Danashi opened the door, he jumped a bit, having not expected to see Ginzo with anyone "Kaito's resting in one of the guestrooms" If Ginzo brought this woman along, then she was probably trustworthy enough to let inside "I think that it would be best to just let him wake up on his own"

Ginzo clicked his tongue "Why is Kaito sleeping? I thought that he hadn't been hurt"

"He did stay up all night... Not to mention the stress he must have felt" Misty mused, not too surprised that the boy was currently resting.

Danashi grimaced "Kaito is physically fine, but the illusionist left him mentally exhausted" There was no point in lying "He had to transfer his fears to something else..." He closed his eyes, letting out a breath before opening them "Then the results had to be tested" He pursed his lips "It was very effective to say the least"

"Fucking hell" The inspector cursed, that didn't sound good "What's he scared of now?" Did that mean that Kaito's fear had been amplified?

"Fish since he was already apparently uneasy around them" Danashi replied, frowning. It would be difficult to handle.

"... This is Japan though..." Misty bit her lip, feeling concerned "Was he trying to punish himself again?"

Ginzo's gaze darkened at her words "He better not be" If he was, he'd give the boy a scolding of a lifetime.

"Please don't say any accusations right away" The superintendent sighed "Goldberg-san warned me that Kaito's mind will be a little fragile for a while" Kaito did just have someone mess with his head after all.

Me: And here is the birth of Kaito's fish fear in this universe~

Hope you enjoyed~

I have mini freezer... it was quite interesting to obtain... •~•

I put it on my foot and did a weird walk/limp to my apartment because legs are stronger than arms. And I didn't want to risk dropping it •~•

I'll show a pic of adorable freezer in my Thursday book... it came with tiny ice tray that I'll never use

It's 64lbs , 35' tall, 20' wide, and 18.5' deep... awkward it was to carry

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