58. Chapter 58

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1023 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written March 27 2020
Posted May 9 2020

A low whine passed through Kaito's lips before he bolted away, indigo wide as he frantically glanced around to identify his location. His shoulders slumped in relief when he recognized Mistressan's room, the boy grimaced when he checked his watch, he'd been out for a few hours "Shit, the lab" He'd been intending to go there after giving Mistressan a visit, but now it looked like it'd be too late by the time he got there. Ginzo had wanted him to return after a few hours.

"It's good to know that you hadn't been intending to lie to me about where you were going" Kaito froze, dread pooling in the pit of his stomach, he knew that voice. The only problem was that the guy shouldn't have been able to find this place.

Kaito turned around to see Ginzo staring at him with an unimpressed look "Why are you here?" He winced at how his voice pitched a bit. He was pretty sure that he hadn't been followed, he would have noticed, especially if it'd been Ginzo.

"I threatened him" Mistressan replied, arms crossed.

"What?" He asked dumbly, not really comprehending. There was no way that Mistressan would betray him, not after discovering how much she actually cared for him. Right? Indigo darkened, he should have known better.

Ginzo frowned at how Kaito seemed to shut down, his tone void of emotion. That was kinda freaky, and a little worrying that the boy was able to shut down so quickly "It was a mean prank, everything's fine" He assured, not wanting Kaito to truly close off.

Mistressan picked Kaito up, and surprisingly the boy didn't fight it. He seemed almost boneless in her hold, gaze dazed "This is why we need to work together" She stated, showing off Kaito's state "He's too quick to lose hope when it comes to people caring about him"

Work together? Lose hope? Kaito blinked dumbly before looking up at her "Mistressan?" Both of the adult's hearts almost broke at how lost Kaito sounded. The boy almost sounded like he was actually as old as he looked.

Slate softened as she gave him a little squeeze before plopping him down on the bed "It's fine dear" She offered him a small smile "I was just showing the inspector that you were vulnerable right now, especially when it comes to feelings"

Kaito frowned, grabbing the soft blanket and wrapping it around himself. He liked silk "Oh" He was tired, really tired. He blinked at Mistressan, suddenly realizing something "You're wearing clothes" He rarely saw the woman clothed, usually she was either naked or in her underwear due to her aversion to clothing.

Ginzo's gazed sharpened at Kaito's words, he cast a glare at Mistressan who shifted nervously "And she will be wearing them around you from now on" It didn't matter that Kaito was used to it. He didn't want him to be exposed to any more indecency if he could help it.

The boy nodded absentmindedly "I want to go home..." He was tired, and his eye was starting to hurt a lot again. The painkillers he'd snagged must have run out again.

The inspector sucked in a breath, Kaito had never referred to their apartment as 'home'. It had always been 'The apartment' whenever he mentioned it "Okay, then let's go" He could talk more with Mistressan later.

Kaito got up, tried to take a step, swayed, and fell back onto the bed "I don't think I can" Why was he feeling so sick? He'd been fine earlier today. Frayed nerves had never affected him like this before, he was better than that.

Mistressan glanced between the two, Kaito was half out of it, and Ginzo wouldn't be able to carry him "I'll carry you" She paused for a moment in thought "I'm sure that I have a purse big enough to fit you"

Ginzo spluttered at the thought of Kaito being carried in a purse "That's not necessary"

She shook her head "You're fine since you have a fake identity, but I doubt that Kaito is able to play as Kite right now" It was kinda cute that Kaito had picked the name Kite "I can be Kite's girlfriend who's been taking his son out to play if anyone asks"

Ginzo grimaced, Kaito really had told her everything. He glanced at Kaito, the boy didn't seem to be paying attention to them, what was wrong with him? He was usually so alert "But..." That would mean that they'd have to fake affection in the future if the woman really did start showing up at their place. Mistressan was way too old for Kaito.

Mistressan smirked "Stop worrying, it wouldn't bother Kaito at all" They'd done a lot of risky things together during his training "He knows that I'm not interested" During Kaito's breakdown he'd admitted that he'd been fine with her since she'd never looked at him how his clients had, so he'd felt safe. They'd only done what was required for him to learn and be safe "A peck on the cheek off and on for show is nothing"

Ginzo grumbled but stayed silent as he watched Mistressan stuff Kaito into an insanely large black purse, he didn't know how he felt about having her around from now on. At the very least he needed to keep his eye on her. The fact that Kaito had looked so hurt before shutting down after the perceived betrayal told him that the woman hadn't been lying about how close the two were. Though that in itself was a bit scary since Kaito was still out of it. Vulnerable? Yeah right! The guy seemed straight out fragile right now.

Now the inspector sort of understood why Kaito had been so afraid of getting close to others, the poor boy wasn't able to handle any sort of betrayal. Ginzo's gaze darkened, one couldn't be betrayed if they kept their heart closed to others. Yet it seemed that Kaito was slowly opening his heart, at the very least to him and Mistressan. Maybe even Danashi and his son too eventually. The boy had seemed fond of Saguru and Danashi had told him that the same was felt by Saguru towards Kid.

Me: Kaito is strained, so many things that he isn't used to have been happening around him~

Kaito can't handle his feelings •~•

Hope you enjoyed~

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