Natsu X Insecure ! Reader : We'll Work On It

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"(Y/n) come on! What's taking so long?" Natsu asked from outside the bathroom door, "wait!" you shouted back, still curling your hair, "I'll leave without you" he joked, "not funny Natsu!" you whined, "ouch!" you shouted, burning your finger on the curling iron, "(y/n)!" he yelled and ran in, "jeez it's just a burn, oh what am I saying you wouldn't know" you rolled your eyes, sucking on your finger that left a stinging pain. "(Y/n) come on you don't need to do all this" Natsu told you, grabbing the curling iron by the metal like a lunatic and putting it down, ignoring that he should've had harsh burns on his hand you sighed and looked away from him. "Natsu I'm not done, please wait" you told him, pushing him toward the doorway, you got ready to close the door when he grabbed your wrist and stood in the doorway so you couldn't close it.

"Talk to me (y/n), why are you doing all this? It's not just today you do it everyday, all this stuff you put on your face and doing your hair for hours and taking a long time to pick an outfit, what's going on?" he asked, "I just want to feel pretty." you said quietly, he bit his lip, "why won't you believe me when I tell you that you're beautiful huh?" he asked, "because that's not how I see myself Natsu!" you shouted out of frustration. "I don't feel beautiful, and I want to, this makes me feel beautiful" you said calmly, avoiding his eyes, "you're my boyfriend Natsu, you're basically supposed to call me beautiful or whatever even if I'm not" you snapped, "don't ever say that" he growled and pulled you closer to him. "When we first started living together I saw you without makeup, with your hair straight, with loose baggy clothes, and I didn't leave then right? I wont leave now" he explained angrily.

"You cant see what I see, but I loved you before we got together, I fell in love with you and who you are, your looks wont matter in sixty years will they? Who you are is what matters, you're a kindhearted very intelligent person, that's what matters to me, not how your hair looks or how your body looks do you hear me?" he asked, "other people don't see me the way you do" you stubbornly replied, "they shouldn't matter, you're MY girl." he said, "you're mine" he added softly, reaching up to hold your cheek, "they can never make you feel not beautiful unless you believe them" he said. "And no one will make you feel not beautiful so long as I'm here alive and loving you" he added, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss on your lips, "you're beautiful to me and everyone we know" he smiled, you rubbed your arm sheepishly.

"I know I know (y/n), it'll take time, that's ok, we'll work on it" he whispered and kissed your forehead, "let's finish doing your hair then ok?" he asked, "I'll do it" he said and pulled you back into the bathroom, sitting you down, "show me?"

You sighed, taking off your makeup, taking a shower and brushing your curls out of your hair, putting on the clothes you stole from Natsu and wobbling out of the bathroom where Natsu was sleeping on the bed, surprisingly not snoring so loud that it woke up the neighbors again. You laid down and cuddled next to him, "thank you Natsu... I'm sorry I'm such a pain, I promise I'll work on it, its just hard nowadays, but you're right, looks don't matter, they won't matter in sixty years, as long as I have you in sixty years none of this matters, I'm not impressing anyone... you love me and you work so hard to show me, I'm sorry, I love you so much" you whispered against his back, your arm draped over him. You felt his arm go over yours and hold your hand, you smiled, burying your face into into his nape, he started tracing hearts onto the top of your hand.

You felt the bed dip a bit, a tired Happy waddling on the sheets, you held out your hand and he fell into your arm, lifting him up and putting him between you and Natsu, falling asleep with the two of them, that's all you've ever wanted.

And that's what you got.


A/N: omg ok so i wrote this kinda because i wanted to send a message to my insecure readers and also myself? because honestly, looks don't matter, how your face looks, how your hairs looks, how your body looks, that won't matter when you're an adult, what matters is how you are as a person and how you act, someone could be beautiful and rude, but there really is no definition of beautiful, everyone is beautiful in their own way and that's not just a cheesy line, someone may be rude to judge you off your looks now, but someone else could find you the most beautiful person in the world. it all depends on who matters and who doesn't, your friends and family do, strangers don't, if you dress up and do makeup and hair, do it for you, do it make yourself happy, no one else.

love you all <3

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