80. (nsfw)

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Eddy volunteered to do the dishes, which gave Brett a few minutes to collect himself from the imminent panic attack. He had locked himself in the bathroom under the cover of needing to freshen up.

The reality was closer to leaning on the bathroom sink and trying his darndest best to breathe. He wasn't really used to this anymore. The panic attacks had stopped years ago, even before he met Eddy. He knew it would pass, but it truly felt like he was being swallowed whole.

"Brett? Are you okay?" Eddy asked after knocking on the bathroom door a while later. Brett took a deep breath before responding.

"Uh yeah, why?"

"You've been in there for half an hour, and you looked kinda sick going in there," Eddy explained, sounding worried. "You sure you're okay?"

Brett sighed, mostly annoyed with himself now. The panic had been letting him go for a while, and honestly he just wanted to get the stress around lovemaking out of the world. It was just about doing it again, just to get there.

He opened the door slowly, peeking up at Eddy through the bathroom door.
"Just thought I'd make myself look pretty for you," Brett said innocently, a tiny smile forming over his lips. Eddy raised an eyebrow.

"Dude, you turn me on by doing nothing more than breathe. How prettier can you get?" Eddy said as Brett sneaked out of the bathroom and into his arms for a hug.

Eddy leaned down and kissed his forehead softly, running a hand through his hair.
"You're pretty hot," Brett said, tiptoeing up to kiss him softly on his neck. "Can't believe I got this hot guy as my boyfriend."

The light kiss on his neck felt nice, and Eddy responded by sneaking his hands under Brett's sweater, pulling it up slightly.
"Honestly, I feel lucky every day to get to hold you, to..." Eddy paused for a second to press his lips against Brett's. "... kiss you, to get to love you. Thank you."

Brett's cheeks lit up, and he hid it by nuzzling his nose against the crook of his neck.
"Sounds like you're gonna propose, and I don't want you to do that right now," Brett joked, laughing nervously. "I want to make love to you, Eddy."

Eddy grinned as he felt Brett's weight slowly push him towards and against the wall across the hall from the bathroom. Their hands met and intertwined as their lips melted together once more.

Brett let one hand go, feeling Eddy use his newfound freedom to gently caress his cheek. He also felt the soft fabric of Eddy's hoodie between his fingers as he slid it down his stomach, all the way down.

"Mhm, that feels good," Eddy breathed against Brett's lips, moving to drag his tongue over the seemingly permanent purple spot just below Brett's ear. Brett whimpered at the touch.

"That's the point," Brett snorted, feeling that ball of nerves make itself present again as he felt Eddy harden under his fingers. He didn't mention it.

Eddy placed his hands on Brett's hips and gently maneuvered them towards the bedroom, thumbs massaging the top of Brett's hipbones as they moved. Brett didn't even realize how hard he was getting himself before the front of Eddy's pants brushed against his as they stepped through their bedroom door.

"I'll take it slowly, okay?" Eddy assured as he fiddled with the button of Brett's trousers. "Just like the first time."

A tiny nod was all the response Brett could manage before Eddy gently pushed him down on the bed and slipped his underwear off. Eddy's hands caressed the insides of his thighs, making his mind a blur.

"Pass me the lube, babe?" Eddy requested, nodding towards their bedside table. Brett reached out for it, but was immediately paralyzed by Eddy's lips around him, sucking off the pre-cum that had accumulated in the tip.

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