Katie McGrath & Melissa Beniost: SuperCorp

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A/N: where Kara and supergirl aren't one. Instead of James getting shot it was Kara

Kara Danvers and Linda Zor-El two completely different people. One was an alien, that fought for justice with a secret organization, a powerful woman that everyone feared but yet had admirers. The other also fought for justice seeking the truth in every story and pouring her heart out in what she believed in. Kara was Linda's doppelgänger. When the DEO found out that they shared the same face. They did everything they could to protect both of them. With out Kara knowing. (It was after the first year of being friends with Linda that she found out about the whole DEO.) J'onn found ways to make sure they were both safe. He ended up bringing Kara's older adoptive sister into the DEO. She was a great FBI agent. But an even better DEO agent.

Kara first officially met Supergirl when she was thrown out of the window by Siobhan. She rescued the blonde reporter. And ever since then they worked as a team. That's all they were, a team. Although Cat had her suspicions but after some reveals she let it go.


It was Supergirl who asked Kara to go with Clark that day. The day they went to meet Lena Luthor. That's how the friendship started. From the start for some reason Lena trusted Kara and Kara trusted Lena. Even when everyone told not to including Linda. But Kara trusts Lena more than anything. She believes that Lena really does want to make the world a better and safer place.

So there friend ship grew.

When Lena first met the reporter, she didn't plan on letting the blonde in. Let alone falling in love with the blonde. But she did. She couldn't help it. The warm smile that always made her heart beat just tad bit faster the ocean blue eyes that just never judged while looking at her like she wasn't associated with bad people. It was hard for Lena to not be friends with Kara. But she's glad she did. Kara was her only friend in National city. Well besides Supergirl but she was more of a partner than a friend. Well anyway, three years later they're dating. She honestly couldn't be happier.


"Kara." Lena got up and walked around her desk with a smile. Kara returned the smile and hugged the CEO after sharing a kiss. Ever since Kara became friends with the Luthor her life became more, bright in a way. She was happy. It wasn't like she wasn't happy before it was just, different. She's in love and that's something that was different. She's never felt this strongly for someone.

"Hey Lee I know you usually stay longer then usually when well usually you always do and Jess said you skipped lunch so I thought I'd bring you some. I got you your favorite. Jess s-Darling." At the sound of her voice, Kara stopped. Her cheeks flushing when she saw the the CEO's smirk. Kara cleared her throat and reached up to fix her glasses even though they didn't need fixing. Before she could fix them Lena took the hand and brought her into a another kiss. She smiled and happily kissed her back. Lena chuckled and lead the flustered blonde to the couch.


It was late, Kara was most likely the last one in the building besides the janitors. She gathered her things and stood up turning off the computer after making sure she saved her work. She looked down at her phone and chuckled seeing the text she just received.

Lee 💚: if you don't come home I'm going to have to speak to your boss about keeping you over ours.

Kara smiled and quickly responded to the text saying she will be home soon. As she went to walk away but her work phone rang. She debated answering but groaned.

"This is catco media Kara Danvers speaking."


She sighed and hung up the phone turning around but stop dead in her tracks at the loud gun shot that rang in her ears. The pain followed next. It was coming from her chest. She stumbled backwards, but wasn't able to catch herself as she fell. Her glasses slipping from her face. She lay flat on the floor trying to stop the bleeding that was quickly soaking her blue button up shirt. Her blurry vision, not only from the loss of glasses but also from trying not lose conscious. She saw the blurred outline of hooded man. It was the last thing before her world faded into black.


Linda was out patrolling half across the city when she heard it. She knew that the reporter wouldn't press the button if it weren't an emergency. Ever since Linda gave her the watch she's never pressed in all these years she's known her. Her head snapped up and with out a second thought she she shot up into the skies.

"Linda what's wrong?" Alex asked through the coms. But when she got no reply she called out the hero's name this time more urgent.

In matter of seconds she was at catco. She heard the faint sound of a heart beat. It was getting weaker.

"Kara!" At the sight of her close friend laying there in a pool of blood she went into a panic. She bent down and shot out towards the hospital.

"Alex, Alex it's Kara. She's been shot. I'm talking her to the hospital right now."

"Wh-what?" Alex's voice cracked.

"Get to the hospital now. Get Lena on the phone as well."


Lena was at Kara's. She always considered Kara's place her home. It was more comfortable and just more relaxing, warm. For the past few months she's spent more time here than at her own penthouse. She sat her bag down at the table and took off her heels signing in relief. It has been a long day. But that's all she was able to take off before her personal phone rang. She dug into her bag and retrieved her phone. She looked down and saw that Alex was calling. She smiled and answered the phone.

"Alex. Aren't you supposed to be on a date with-Lena. Kara's been shot. She was rushed by to the hospital. Linda found her at catco. It's bad Lena. She-She-please come quick."


She was at the hospital in a matter of minutes. She marched into her hospital seeing Brainy, Nia, Alex and J'onn.

"Where she? How is she? Is she okay." Her eyes filled with un she'd tears. Her heart bounding in her chest. She couldn't lose Kara. All the scenarios that played in her head were just too much. All scenarios that ended with Kara gone. At the sight of Alex's red rimmed eyes. She knew it wasn't good. Which made her even more distressed.

"They took her to the er as soon as Supergirl brought her. The bullet hit her chest." Maggie stopped swilling the lump that formed in her throat. "She flat lined, they were able to stabilize her. She isn't allowed any visitors." Maggie spoke up when she saw how devastated the older Danvers sibling was.

Flat lined. Those repeated in her head like a broken record. Kara flat lined. Her lips trembled as she tried to get her emotions in check. But the tears didn't listen. They rolled down her pale cheeks.

"I'm going to che-They aren't allowing her any visitors."

"I'm not a visitor I own this place."


At the sight of the blonde laying on the hospital bed connected to many machines finally let her walls break. She wrapped her arms around herself as broke down, trying to bring herself some comfort. She walked into the room and the only thing that could be heard were the machines. The heart monitor, the machine helping Kara breath. It was all too much. She took a seat right next to the bed and clutched the blondes hand as finally the tears fell. She cried and cried. The fear still running through her body. Fear that Kara's life was in danger. Fear that Kara would leave her.

"Please don't leave me." She held on the hand like a life line. The fear, turned into anger.

"I'll fine the asshole who shot you. I'll find him, it, bitch and I'm going to kill em."



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