Chapter 29

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A few drinks later...

I've lost track of what I was even doing, everything seem to be a big blur until I noticed it was the drinks. Nikki's hand slid off my waist.

"I'll be back in a minute babe" he smiled as he slipped into the darkness.

I bit my lip...curiosity never killed the cat, I scratched my head..or what is the opposite, shit I'm so fucked up I don't even know. I quickly followed the direction he disappeared in leading to the bathrooms. I peeked through the small crack on the door, a man unraveling something, as he slowly injected a needle into Nikki's veins and pulled it out.

"fuck dude" Nikki chuckled as his entire body looked relaxed and hypnotized. He hopped onto the sink counter and leaned his head on the mirror and closed his eyes, as he and man started talking about the band. I shook my head and nervously gulped on my saliva as I hestiantly walked away...


The world around me started fading, god this was an orgasm for my brain dude, honestly kind of better then an orgasm, maybe not I can't pick.

"how's your girl?" the guys said

"she's good man, she's good" I sighed

"she know about this?" he scoffed lighting up some a blunt, I smiled.

"I don't fucking know...I'm not shocked if she does though" I said as I slumped down to get more comfortable.

"don't get to cushy bro were in the girls room, what if she walks in?"

"who?" I shouted

"your girl" he said in a way like it was supposed to be obvious.

"I don't know dude I'll tell her I'm asleep, nothings gonna ruin this right now" I scoffed as my eyes closed, damn this stuff is shit...but man does it kick some ass...



I found myself wandering through the people in the bar mindlessly, I saw an upstairs area of the bar that looked empty...yeah that looks fine. I went up the spiral staircase as the music faded a bit, I need a fuckin nap. I took my hoop earrings out and put them in my bag. I saw a familiar man sitting on a leather couch, smoking a cigarette with nothing but a bottle of vodka on the table, in the same stance he was as the seating area downstairs; his legs up on the table, his cowboy boots fidgeting and lightly crashing into each other. He seem to have noticed me first.

"hey" Duff smiled

"hey" I said wearily as I walked to him and sat on the couch next to him, I swung my purse onto the table. I let out an exasperated gasp as I fully settled in and kicked up my feet like Duff.

"whatsup with you?" he exhaled

"Nikki." I simply said as he looked over a me with eyes of concern and worry but also a sarcastic, humorous look of 'what's new?'.

"I know. sounds about right" I joked shaking my head and looking down.

"I know" he cooed pulling me closer as I laid my head down on his lap as he gently wrapped an arm around my waist as I took a cigarette that rolled out my purse, I put it between my teeth and the long haired blonde lit it.

"but hey at least it's not affecting you" he said, as I exhaled.

"yeah but you know I can't only think about how it affects me"

"maybe it's for the best if you love him" he suggested trying to sound optimistic.

"it's the reason I love him that I should care about every aspect of the situation" I said looking at the blank black ceiling with little flashes of purple lights now and then coming from the club, as I occasionally glanced at Duff, though I couldn't see a lot of his face cause it was dark but I knew it was him by his voice and little glimmers from his eyes. "anybody would be lucky to have you as their girlfriend" he says, I cock my head. what's he getting at? Duff would be a pretty good boyfriend too... I look up at him and smile, I put out my cigarette on the table, I try to clear my head. I shift a bit, Duff's hand still resting on my hip. I close my eyes.

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