Chapter 37

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A month Later...


Not much better...

Tommy had purposed to Heather Locklear, you would think this was great! double wedding right! yeah I would have too, being with Nikki right now was like being with a Bi- polar teenager, I can't tell if I'm angry, or hurt? maybe both. I spent so much time pining over him though...maybe I should just have some patience. But things were getting tense. There was a party at Tommy's house, and I needed to get away for a bit... but according to Nikki he said to my face or more like yelled-

"I need a fucking fix, since you won't let me" he said

"I never said I'm not letting you, I just told you to slow down with it" I said getting out the car slamming the door shut, I swung my purse over my shoulder and groaned...


Tommy's parties were always so fuckin wild, dude was fucking crazy but now that this dudes also gonna be married he's been acting like a total grown ass man. Meanwhile this hot girl was all over me, Slash and I fought over her for minute but I told him he could have her once I had enough. Her lips looked like Dar's...god now I'm thinking of her... I gripped onto her hair hard as I supported  her neck., god fuck yes, she moaned into the kiss as she grinded on my leg, fucking hell. Lips were soft but had a lot of force. oh Dar-

"hey dude" I heard Slash whisper as he was on the floor smoking.

"what?" I quickly said my lips quickly meeting hers again"dude there's a couple having a mad heated fight in here" he whispered as putting his head on the closed room door.

"what are they fighting about?" I asked out of breath

"I don't even know dude, I just hope it resorts to make up sex" he said, I snorted.

"Allison? Babe" I heard Axl's voice call out, babe? Allison...thats sounds familiar...wait, I gently pulled her off.

"fuck! your Axl's girl?!" I said, she gave me a devious smile and nodded.

"dude what are you doing! fuck off" I said, she rolled her eyes and went to find Axl. I slid over on the other side of the door across from Slash as I tried to listen in, I saw his amused face. The voices muffled and distorted through the door and the party downstairs.

"fuck you!" the girl said

"ha! you wish" the guy snorted

"is this a fucking joke to you Nikki?!"

silence...shit this was-

"I'll show you a fucking joke" she said, there was some movement, but not much. I don't know.

this wasn't just a random chick...

"dude that's Darcie and Nikki" I muttered, Slash too distracted and zoned out to even here me, it had seemed like the room went silent, Darcie came bursting out the door unaware of anything around her, Steven quickly coming into the room, Slash and I giving each other a quizzical face.

"hey dude!" Steven smiled at Nikki patting his pack

"you got H?" he smiled

"hell yeah dude" Nikki smiled getting his kit that was already open from a table

"what was that all about?" Steven asked

"I don't fucking know" he shrugged "fiance's being a bitch" he laughed

Usually I would have slammed Nikki's body against a damn wall but I forgot that she wasn't my girl...I quickly stood up and walked through the hallways and past empty rooms, until in one room I heard soft sobs, god poor girl...I gently opened the door which was to a bathroom.

𝕹𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖆 𝕭𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖘𝖙Where stories live. Discover now