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We enter the pitch black room, our footsteps instantly echoing through the room. I get ready to use any power that chooses to release itself. Eli walks over to the wall, and weirdly places his head on something. I wait a few seconds, but that's when I see a little blue orb of light expand to be large. It creates little, high pitched, graceful whispers as it goes down a whole row of lights along the walls, lighting up the whole room in a blink.

It continues down the hallway that appears in front of us, making the little whispers fainter and fainter. The room glows a bright blue, illuminating color. I stare down the hallway in shock.

It's revealed the large, open room. The floor is a shiny bright tan. It's so shiny, I feel like I shouldn't be stepping on it. The ceiling is high above us, the darkest area in this room. The patterns on the wall look so historical. They're lit by the lights, and have sketchings that look like people... or events? Above each sketching is a small series of words, looking impossible to read.

"Eli." I say in a monotone voice.


"Did you do that?" I ask.

"I have no idea." he says. I walk over to the lights. Just a few feet away from them, I already start to feel heat.

"I mean... I've seen this power..." I mutter. "But nothing like this."

I shake my head, feeling like I understand what I'm looking at... yet I don't understand it at all.

"Come on, we should get moving." he says, putting his hand on my back. I nod, as we walk over to the hallway. I have a gut feeling we're getting watched, but I shake it off. I think these people know I'm here. I think they've been waiting for me... and I haven't told Eli.

We walk down the hallway of lights, and see another room waiting to be entered. When we step in, it's a large, round area. It looks like a lobby. There's a fountain containing water in the middle. It has a gold and grey color to it, two other hallways on the sides of the room. Above us is a platform with a railing to walk across, and doors.

We look at the wall, seeing a labeled arrow on each side. One of them reads, Floor B, with an arrow slanting up. I turn to the wall on Eli's side, also reading, Floor B, barely seeing a flight of stairs on the side.

The flowing water is all we hear, from our stunned silence.

We see double doors at the end of the room, walking up to them.

Eli and I open them, and it's not what we expected. It's a room, split in two from a wall no more than two inches thick.

"Should we split up?" asks Eli. I turn to him, and nod. We both walk in one of the split sections, and explore the area. The room extends far and wide for such open space. It has a more blue tint to it. Along the light blue and dark blue walls, are legless tables attached to it. The chairs set at each of the tables are the weirdest looking I've seen. They're a metallic white, curled to be sturdy and seatable. There are computers and keypads at some of the tables, both the blue and white color. There is art on the wall, like no art I've ever seen.

This might be some sort of... study room? A really, really big study room?

I walk across the room. The deafening silence is so... silent it's making me nervous. My breathing seems incredibly loud, and my soft footsteps make such a loud clopping sound.

I walk over to the desks, then noticing a new thing. There's a whole row of tablet devices. They're the same color scheme as the rest of the room. I hesitantly walk over to them.

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