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"What the hell was that?" I whisper to myself, the fact that we just heard this loud rumbling beneath the ground. We see the several lights flashing around the woods, remembering they're still looking for us. I grab Lance, standing him up. "We have to keep moving."

We make sure it's clear, and head from one tree to the other. We quickly hide behind it, and make sure it's clear again. We head to another tree, even farther from the tree we were at. I turn to how far away the doors are, and we're still at least four hundred yards away.

"Don't you get it Jamie? We may have powers, but we don't stand a chance! They're wearing bulletproof vests, protective pads, power resistant clothing. We're not gonna make it." hisses Lance.

"We are! We just gotta find our friends and a way in there." I snap. Lance grabs my shoulder, forcing me to face him.

"The only way we could kill them is by burning them to the ground." he says. He looks at me in a way I already know what he's referring to.

"Stop talking about your heart! That is not happening!" I snap.

"I can't use my powers in this rain, but my fire from my heart organ can tolerate the rain. I told you to promise me, you didn't answer me earlier, just answer me already!" he snaps.

"My answer is no! I don't promise you! I just got you back, I am not gonna lose you just two weeks later!" I snap. Lance sulks.

"Well you won't have a choice when me and your friends are dead!" snaps Lance. I stare at him in anger... and sadness. He's not gonna give up is he? I can't lose him... I just can't...

"Here!" we suddenly hear. A hand snatches me by the arm, a guard aggressively pulling me away.

"Jamie!" shouts Lance. I turn to the guard, turning my arm in a circle, escaping his grip. I punch him in the face, but he keeps his balance. He suddenly shoots for the ground, aiming for my feet.

I grab onto his gun, shoving it back onto his face, making him lose his grip. He falls to the ground, and I quickly put a bullet in his leg.

It all ends with a shriek of pain as I grab Lance's hand.

"Come on!" I exclaim.

I drag him along the wet grounds, heading towards another tree. Before we can get to it, an arm suddenly wraps around my neck. I lose my grip on the gun, splashing onto the ground.

"We don't want to hurt you, okay?" the guard whispers into my ears.

"Let him go!" shouts Lance. I clutch onto the arm, getting more and more tight around my neck. Lance instantly glares at the guard in fury, tilts his head down. It's like almost all I can see now are red veins hovering in the dark by now.

Wait... what is he doing?

Oh God, this won't be good.

I start to hear sizzling... coming from behind me. I hear chokes come from the guard holding onto me... his arms start to feel hot around me... and hotter... and hotter...

The moment I realize what Lance is doing, I shove the guard off me and run to Lance.

I turn around, seeing sickening burns all over the guards' face as he screams in terror. He holds his hands in front of him, frantically taking off his gloves, and sees blisters and red scars all over him.

That's when Lance charges at the guard, splashing him into the water. I watch in horror when Lance grabs a knife from the guard's pants. Lance lifts him up next to the tree, and brutally slams his head against the tree twice.

I cringe at how disturbing it is, when Lance holds the guard up to his chest, putting the knife to his throat.

"You'll be sorry..." says Lance. Lance lifts the knife up, about to slide it across.

"Lance!" I exclaim quickly. Lance looks up at me with soft, confused eyes. I look at him, as if I'm telling him he has a choice. He can only get better if he does better.

Lance looks at me, sighing through his nose in an ashamed manner. He shoves the guard down on the ground next to him, putting down the knife.

I walk over to him, sighing. I put my hand on his shoulder, both of us locking eyes. I smile, grateful he didn't kill that guy.

"We should go find the others." I say. We both stand up, when we're suddenly stopped by this rapid beeping. We both freeze, turning to the guard below us... and to our horror, the guard is clutching a bomb in his hand.

"Who's sorry now...?" mumbles the guard. Lance and I look at each other in panic as the beeping is faster than ever. Lance suddenly pushes me, flying me several feet away. I look up, seeing Lance about to take off and run.


But then there comes the loud explosion... water splattering everywhere... smoke... and fire... I fly back, landing and rolling on the ground. My ears ring with a horrible swelling in my head, making me fall unconscious.

Lance didn't even make it three feet away.

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