16 3 1


Last night, they slid another series of bars between the cell itself, and locked it in place. Jamie and I are on the same side, Lillette and Tyler on the other side. I don't know what their plan is, but it must have to do with separating us.

But it gave Jamie and I time to come up with a plan.

"These chips in our necks aren't gonna let us go anywhere unless we take them out. We need to go to Freemind's Headquarters, take them out, and come back for Sawyer." recalls Jamie. I nod.

"I can't believe we're in this situation again. And we still don't know the full story on why America's coming for Sawyer. She's done nothing. What could America be taking revenge for?" I mutter. Jamie shrugs.

"She's... insane, I..." mutters Jamie. But he goes back to the plan. "Are you sure you'll be able to do this?"

"I wanna try." I say. Jamie nods.

"But the last time you tried..." he starts.

"I didn't know the chip was in me. But now that I do, I think it's possible." I say.

"We still don't know if it can work though." says Jamie.

"I still think I can, and─"

"Your guys' whispering is getting more annoying by the minute." interrupts Lillette from the other side of the bars. Tyler's stuck with our mouthy friend. We shoot her a look, scooting away from her and whispering quieter.

"We just need to do this. It's our only shot at getting out." I say. Jamie nods, looking over at Tyler. He scoots over to him, getting Tyler to scoot up to his side of the bars. They link hands.

"You okay?" asks Jamie. Tyler nods. He hasn't said anything for the past several hours. "We'll be out of here soon. I promise."

I look at both of them, trying to have hope too.


Tyler always gets so quiet when he's sad. I wanna do something but they separated us between the bars.

Emmet must think he's too clever. We've ended up in a whole new society, a whole new place where there is training. Where there is torture. Where there are Children of 42. This place makes my gloved hand ache.

It's like we're at the Camp all over again...

3 years earlier

Apparently all of us have come of age. Us Children of 42 had trained since before we could remember. They said age sixteen is the time we move on the next level of training... and today was that day.

"Good morning, Jamie." I heard the door open, and someone walks in. I turn to the door, seeing a woman I hadn't seen before. She was tall, and wore black heels. She wore a dark red pant suit, and had a silky, choppy dark bob. She held a chipboard close to her chest, and properly walked in front of me as two guards trailed behind her.

Now this was weird.

"I'm Valerie. Welcome to Pyramids. Pyramids will be a new system. A system where you move on from one base to another of your training. You get to the top of the pyramid... you pass full time," she said. Whoa... really? They told us the average age we'd all have complete control of our powers is twenty through twenty-five. We could pass any day? I stared at her, and kept listening as I slumped in the chair. "Your abilities appear to be enhanced intelligence, enhanced speed, and electrokinesis... one of the most dangerous ones."

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