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I lay against the chair, as Emily slowly and carefully slides the scalpel along the nape of my neck. She needs to get the chip out. It surprisingly doesn't hurt at all, which is what she said. Once she stops the bleeding, she grabs the forceps, and before I know it they're in my neck.

"So how'd you and Sawyer meet?" asks Emily. Oh great, I'm stuck in this chair, so she's gonna do this now? I'm quiet for a few seconds, hesitant to talk.

"She was sent from the camp to Aradouge to track down a source," I say. "Turns out I was the source. The source you put in me."

I hear Emily sigh.

"I can explain about that." she says.

"Not right now." I say immediately. It's silent for the next few minutes, until I suddenly feel Emily grab onto something solid within my neck.

"Okay I got it, deep breath, this is gonna hurt," she says. I breathe in tensely, waiting for the yank.

There's a sudden click, a jerk within my neck... All of it triggers a sensation throughout my body, like a wave going from head to toe. I start to feel power regain into my veins, reflowing through them healthily.

"OW..." I mumble.

"Eee... sorry..." says Emily, taking the forceps out. "That's always the worst part."

"You mean you've done this before?" I ask.

"Yep. One or two a year come hobbling over here to get these chips out. America Charol does them for punishments." says Emily, cleaning the wound at my neck. I raise my eyebrows, disturbed. Emily's hand reaches out in front of my head, holding the cleaned chip in her rubber gloved hand. "Check that out."

I grab it intrigued, staring at it.

It's a flat, blue square shape. At the top of it, there are little nubs with tiny, short wires at the end. This entire thing stopped my powers from being used. The technology here is extremely high tech. These kids created them with their own mind. But then I remember something.

"But I also remember the moment they put it in my neck... they said a word. Do you know what it could be?" I ask.

"Oh... it's the word that activates it. You say 'Copeltai eltrumeri'." says Emily, saying the words quiet, as if the chip will activate it again.

"What does that mean?" I ask, confused.

"I don't know, it's a name Cyvil made up or something. Once the chip activates it, you put it on the victim's neck and it will sink through, connect to their brainstem, and paralyzes their powers." explains Emily.

"Oh..." I say, still confused.

"I still have to close." says Emily. Within a few seconds, I feel a small needle come through my skin, Emily starting to sew up my wound.

Emily's the reason why I have powers in the first place... but how?

"How did you do it?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" she asks.

"How did you create a source so powerful? A source worth hiding in your child?" I ask. Emily's silent for a while.

"Bad things. Really bad things. Working with Anthony Harble was not a good choice," says Emily. "By the time the Children of 42 were born, Anthony and I ran all these tests on infants. Sometimes even... terminate them..."

"What?" I mutter, alarmed.

"They thought it was okay because there was just so many. Over 90 million Children of 42 were born, 30 million died of birth defects, 5 million died in experiments. Therefore, after draining all these children, I was able to create a concoction. So far more advanced than any Children of 42 ever. So then, Anthony wanted it for himself," she explains. "He said he would always be able to keep the Children of 42 under control. That would mean... the Camp would've been so much worse than it already was. I couldn't let that happen..."

I sigh through my nostrils.

"But he threatened to take you. Kill you," shudders Emily. "I couldn't let that happen either... It was either you or the Children of 42."

"And you chose both." I say.

"Yes. I did choose both. But it wasn't easy." says Emily.

Whoa... if it weren't for her... the Children of 42 wouldn't have escaped... or lived the life they did. Now that's something I didn't know.

"You seem like you've done good though." says Emily. I don't respond to that, but I feel like she might be a chance. A chance for me to finally figure out my powers.

"So you know how this source works?" I ask.

"Yeah. Yeah I know the basics," she says. I feel the wire reach down to the bottom of the wound, and she clips it off. "Okay, you can sit up now."

I slowly sit up, the pain in my neck making me wince.

"Take it easy, don't use your powers for the next twenty-four hours." says Emily, sitting down in front of me.

"I grew up with powers, unknowable on how to use them. If you know how to use them... maybe I can finally know." I say. Emily arches her eyebrow, almost smiling.

"Perhaps yeah... Maybe I can teach you." she says, smiling. I nod.

I don't know how to use most of my powers... it would be nice to finally have someone teach me. I don't know what I can put my mind to. If this is a source more powerful than the powers the Children of 42 can do themselves... I better see what they can do.

Maybe I should thank Sawyer for pushing me to go to Freemind... she's still in danger... but I have to go get her. Whatever the cost.

And my mother's gonna teach me all of it. Never in a million years I thought I'd say that.  

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