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I make it back to Freemind within the hour, and head into the gates. I walk down the lobby, down the stairs to the cells, and down the hallway.

I then start heading to the door of the Depths of Freemind. I've blocked it off so the others can't get in, but I unlock the door for me to get in. I close it behind me, coming down the trapdoor and down the ladder. I drop to the rock floor, looking around at the wreckage my sister has caused.

I walk over to the ladder at the edge of the wall next to the rock, grab onto it, and head down six stories to the floor. Once I reach the bottom I walk along the wide area to the wall.

I grab the hidden switch under the layered rock, and pull on it. The rock door satisfyingly moves forward, and to the creaks left... revealing the lit, hidden passageway. I pull on the switch again, closing the door behind me as I walk through the hidden passageway.

I walk farther into the room at the end of the hallway. The wide, circular golden room. I walk to the pool of water filling most of this room, looking down at it. It swished around, colorful rays of light tinting it.

I myself, call it the Blended Water. But what did Sawyer call it? Oh right.

The Pool of Revelations.

Since Sawyer made it disappear in that woman's lair all those months ago, it went somewhere we don't know. If only she knew where that water went...

This water doesn't only reveal the truth however...

Not hesitating, I tip my foot over the Blended Water, falling into it. I sink deeper and deeper into the magical place, slowly regaining oxygen. I land on the clear, mirror-like floor, shaking the water off of me.

I close my eyes, imagining her home, and the Blended Water bends into the setting I want to see. It forms the spaced out, golden room, and music starts to play.

I look around, seeing the wide golden pillars everywhere. This place is beautiful, but it definitely gets boring after living here. I look around, and see her sitting at the bar table, her legs spread out over it. She's drawing as usual, and has ear plugs in her ears.

I scoff, walking over to her.

"Cynthia." I say. She pretends she doesn't see me, and ignores me. Annoyed, I aggressively grab the ear plug from her ear. She looks at me annoyed, dropping her jaw.

"What the hell do you want, sicko?" she says with her bratty voice.

"Get up. We need to go tell him." I say. She groans, rolling her eyes.

"Don't feel like it... go do it yourself." she says reaching down to grab her ear plug. I shove my hand onto her forehead, making her look at me. She looks at me with annoyed eyes.

"I'm serious. Come on." I say. She sighs, taking out her other ear plug and sets her drawing pad down. She slides her legs off the table and walks by my side.

"You know you can just ask nicely other than hitting me on the head." she says. I close my eyes, making the setting around us bend away... and tell the water to take us to him.

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