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"America, look. The darts are wearing off." says Zynnia, pointing to Rune. Rune was the first to get hit those people's stupid paralytic darts, and I see Rune finally able to sit back up. I walk through all the beds of my paralyzed friends.

"Hey..." I say passionately. I go up to him and give him a hug. "You okay?"

"Yeah," says Rune. He groans as he sits up, his chest steamed with sweat. "My legs are still asleep, but Jesus, those darts hurt like a muther."

He rubs his arm, inflamed red from where one of the darts hit him. I shake my head, "At least we know these wear off after a couple of hours."

"We should be relieved that they weren't bullets." says Zynnia, putting on a shirt. Surprised Sawyer's choice were darts and not bullets.

"At least that psychopath has one ounce of mercy. Weird how she went for paralytic darts this time." says Rune. I roll my eyes, always getting annoyed when my friends mention the Attack.

"Did you see her do anything else? Anything else before I got to her?" I ask. He shrugs, as if he's tired of me asking everyone.

"Pretty similar to everyone else's response, Mer. I was about to hold her down, but then I feel a pinch at my arm, and I'm all of a sudden on the ground and can't move. I didn't see anything else." explains Rune.

"America, with all do respect, I don't understand why Sawyer's arrival was so important. We could've had a more gentle approach to her, but instead everyone ended up like this. Why?" asks Zynnia. I give her a glare.

"Why? Because Sawyer is a Harble. Because of Anthony a hundred of us died, and Sawyer knew about all of it!" I snap. "Freemind is our home, and my people. I will not let her hurt us again!"

She stares at me, and looks over at everyone else in the room. The paralyzed are sweating, people around them are exhausted, some even crying.

"But America--"

"I don't wanna hear it. I am in charge, we go by my rules." I snap. Zynnia looks at me with her dark hazel, sad eyes, and sighs.

"Yes America..." she says. "I will go check on everyone else."

God, how hard is it for people to listen to me? I look over everyone else.

"Everyone's paralytic will wear off soon! Just hang in there!" I announce. Once I start walking, I see someone standing at the edge of the hallway. He stands there, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, nothing but anger in his face.

My brother is not happy with me... he wants me to come see him in his office... Typical Cyvil...

As I walk over to him, I grab Bram by the arm and talk to him.

"Hey, can you cover for me a little?" I ask.

"No problem." responds Bram. I walk over to Cyvil, but I don't even look at him as I turn to head to his office. Let's get this over with...

He follows behind me with an angry series of footsteps. I open his door, and slouch down the chair at his desk, prepared for a wave of yelling.

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