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His office is a lot bigger than I thought, and a lot more casual. It's the most normal looking room I've seen in days. There's a big bulletin board with many strings, tacks, pictures, notes, a lot of everything. The countertops along the wall are a white, shiny, quartez, also stacked with papers and pens. Under them, are metal drawers that look locked.

"Okay, let's do this quick, because I already don't like this." I say.

"Mm-hm, I agree." Aaron quickly says.

I see what looks like a whiteboard calendar on the wall to our right. I go up to it, and see something.

"Look," I say pointing to one of the dates. Aaron goes up to me, and sees what I'm pointing too. I point to the box January 14th, marked with messy marker writing, that reads, Sawyer's Arrival. "They marked it and everything."

"That's weirdly meticulous." says Aaron.

Cyvil's got a shiny swivel chair in front of his polished wood desk. There are several scattered papers stacked on each side of the desk, a large, printed map is laid over the majority of the desk. A map of Freemind... I look at it closely.

There's a large, red and blue lined out sketch of the island. Big bold letters towards the front of the sketch, read Home of Freemind. That's where we are right now. I notice, not too far above that, are bold letters reading, Freemind Headquarters.

Wait a minute...

Does that mean there are other people here? The Children of Freemind aren't the only ones here? That has to be about five miles away from here.

"There's a second building..." I say.

"What?" says Aaron with a shocked tone. He goes over to me, looking at the map. "'Headquarters'?"

"We didn't hear anything about this." I say, trying to reference that Freemind has been keeping more secrets than we thought. Aaron raises his eyebrows, turning around.

"I'm wondering what this is." he says. I turn around, and see that he's looking at the bulletin board. The sloppy, yet organized, incredibly detailed bulletin board.

"Now this is a mess." I say, looking at it closely. I look at the pictures and see that they're people, Children of Freemind perhaps. I lean up close to a picture to see what they look like.

It's a girl with a high bun, hazel hair, and an obnoxiously big smile. At the bottom it reads, Cynthia Lark, 19, Prec. Deceased.

"Cynthia..." I say, knowing we know that name. There are at least thirty photos on the board, but at least a dozen say deceased.

"Laura," says Aaron. I look to where he's pointing, seeing the photo. It takes my breath once I see what it is... It's a picture of Sawyer. How would he access a picture of Sawyer? It's a picture of her not looking at the camera, she's looking to her right, and it's actually blurry quality. "He has all of them here..."

I look at all of the pictures around Sawyer's, and see the rest of the kids on this wall. They're also blurry, and they're looking away too.

"How would he have gotten these?" I ask myself.

"They look like they're from someone's vision." says Aaron. I look at him weirdly.

"What?" I say.

"They've got blue tints to them, it's been researched that when precognition users get visions, they're all blurry and bright." exclaims Aaron. I shake my head.

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