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**Scene continued


"I don't want to do this the hard way," mutters America, actually starting to smile. "Either sit in that Chair... or there will be consequences. Not only towards you, but towards ALL of you!"

Ash starts to look as terrified as everyone else in this room.

"America... please don't make me do this. I can't go under that Chair. Just please... don't control  my mind to put me in there. I can't stand it..." says Ash, hugging his arms to his chest in stress.

"I'm not going to control your mind..." mutters America, tears developing in her eyes. "Because you, all of you, are going to know how much of an impact this power will make on our lives."

Haunting silence passes on, other than the terrified weeps.

"Now SIT IN THE DAMN CHAIR!" screams America, making everyone jump in fear. Ash starts to slowly hyperventilate in terror.

"America..." mumbles Ash. "Just please not me... Not me..."

America's fist suddenly ignites a holographic sword, and holds it up to Ash's throat. Everyone screams in horror, since they've never seen anything like it. Ash's eyes widen, tears falling down his face. No... no no no...

"You have three seconds to choose. Sit... or die." growls America, with a dead-looking expression. Ash starts shaking his head.

"Come on man, just do what she says!" shouts a guy's voice from the back. Ash doesn't listen. He  just stands there in shock, in fear, in confusion. America closes her eyes... when the sword plunges up Ash's stomach.

Everyone screams to the top of their lungs, hearing the horror in each person's voice. America pulls the sword out, Ash's body dropping dead on the ground... leaving blood to pool out. I stare  at his body in shock. America is so much worse than I thought.

America moves to the next person in line, holding the sword up to her throat. The girl has tears streaming down her face, never looking so terrified of America.

"Sit..." snarls America. The girl shakes her head, sobbing.

America swings back the sword. I look away, hearing the sword shove up into the girl's body... and her body drops to the ground.

"Someone stop her! She's going crazy!" a voice shouts. A panic releases among everyone. That's when four people run up to her, about to grab her.

America drops to her knees, igniting all power from her fists, and creates an explosion among them... making all four of them fly back violently. She looks at everyone, anger in her eyes, splatters of blood on her hands.

America's head pans to the next person in line. Using her force, she floats the girl over next to her. She pulls the girl to her chest, holding the holographic sword to her throat. No... no no no...  I don't think I can watch this any longer.

"Someone volunteer, or another DIES!" America shouts. Everyone is so terrified, no one looks like they want to answer. America looks like she's about to cry, clenching her teeth. "You think I wanna do this?! This is the only way to save Freemind!"

"ENOUGH!" a voice shouts from the back. All heads turn to the door... and we see Cyvil, holding his hands up. "Let her go."

America stares at him, tilting her head in suspicion.

"LET. HER. GO," snaps Cyvil. America shoves the girl off of her, others going up and catching her. Cyvil sighs in relief. "I'll volunteer. I'll go under the Chair if you'll stop!"

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