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The first hour in this party has been going great, which makes me relieved. As we dance in silence, something from across the dance floor catches my eyes. America's glare almost makes me stiffen up, as I make eye contact with her. It's like everything goes silent around me as she stares me down. She sets her now empty drink down at a table, keeping her glare at me. She heads for the door, keeping her eyes on me.

She slowly opens the door, her glare ever so slight moving to a smile.

What is going on...? Is she trying to get me? What...?

She slides behind the door, turning around as she walks away, almost like I can hear the clops of her heels from here.

"You okay?" Eli's voice gracefully booms into my ear. I look at him, the music coming back to my focus. I look at him surprised. "You look a little distracted."

"Um, sorry, yeah, just... spaced out." I say. Eli snickers as he hugs me close again.

I don't know what that was, but it didn't give me a very good feeling about this.


"Guys we need to go!" I exclaim all panicky to the boys.

"What? Why?" asks Jamie like he doesn't approve.

"It's! It's, it's Lillette! She talked to me through here!" I exclaim tapping on my temple. "She, she sounded like she was in trouble! We-we, we need to go get her!"

"Wait, wait, wait, slow down," says Levin putting his hands on my shoulders. "Tell us what happened slowly."

"Lillette, she talked to me through my head, she was yelling for help, she told me we have to get out of here. She told me she got drugged and that this is a trap and I'm really freaking out!" I panic, tears in my eyes

"Lillette's in trouble?" Jamie asks, alarmed.

"She got drugged?" Tyler asks, also alarmed.

"I don't know where she went, but I think she's already passed out! She isn't answering her calls! She's in trouble! We just need to go! We need to go get her now!" I say.

"Okay, okay!" soothes Levin.

We all push around the people dancing, and to the exit. All four of us walk through the doorway.

"You don't know where she went?" asks Jamie.

"No! No, I don't!" I exclaim.

"Okay, Levin and Grace, check out there, Ty and I will check the stairwell." says Jamie, pointing us to the doorway upstairs. Levin and I nod, sprinting up the stairs, as Jamie and Tyler sprint down the stairs.

All of us had a gut feeling this party wasn't gonna go well, why didn't we just listen to that?! We need to get her back. Now.


I watch all four of them exit out of the party. Nope, nope, I'm not having this. They leave after America leaves? No no no no, not happening...

"Eli, something isn't right." I say, alarmed, taking my arms off of him.

"What is it?" he asks.

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