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Emily stitches up the scars on my face, treating the rest of my injuries... and Eli and I are left to talk alone for the first time in days.

I stare at him in shock from what he just told me, almost in tears.

"Jamie's brother...?" I shudder out. Eli nods, holding onto my hands. "I can't believe that..."

"Neither can I. Emily tried to heal him... but he just got worse." says Eli. Lance was here? He was here. At Freemind.

"What happened?" I ask, sounding like Eli was about to say more. Eli glances over at Jamie, and sighs.

"Not that it's my business to tell... but his brother didn't make it." he says. I pit drops in my stomach, my jaw dropping as I look over to Jamie sitting further back into the room.

"How?" I shudder.

"He didn't tell me. You should talk to him later, he probably needs you." says Eli. I look at Eli, who is laying back in a chair, looking like he's pondering in thought.

For several nights Jamie has cried on my shoulder that he's gonna lose his mother, but now he's lost his brother? Oh Jamie...

"I will... But please just hear me tell you, that you were right," I say. Eli stares at me, pressing his lips against each other saddened. "We did walk into another attack. I just got everyone hurt. Lillette got shot, Jamie got shot, you guys got tortured. I... I thought this would be worth it but..."

"Hey, Sawyer," says Eli, making me look at him. He looks down at me with soft eyes. "You led me to my mom."

I try to smile, but I'm just so ashamed of myself. He had to repeat it at least ten times to me that his mother was here.

"Jamie got to see his brother last time. That part was worth it." he says smiling.

Worth it, huh?

There's still a part of this I need to finish. The calling says so. But as I think of the calling... I realize the other part of it. I turn to Eli, suddenly knowing everything about it.

"I want to stand." I say, reaching up for his shoulder.

"Oh, okay..." he says, helping me up. It hurts my stomach as I get up, but I hold onto Eli, as we both walk over to the others.

"Oh, Sawyer you should rest." says Emily, giving me a look.

"I'm fine," I assure. I turn to Laura. "Laura?"

Laura turns to me.

"Remembering the calling?" I ask.

"The calling?" asks Eli, confused.

"You mean Cynthia's poem?" she asks.

"Cynthia wrote a poem about her visions. One of them added up with what's happening now." I say, recapping it for Eli and Jamie. "Laura. The first line was 'the awaited arrival of foes so told'. 'Foes so told'. Our arrival, everyone here thought we were the enemy because America told them  so."

Everyone processes that, and Laura nods, looking like she gets it.

"Okay... But that poem could've meant anything though." she says.

"No, it does mean something. 'Thus reunited to create a diversion, to the end the society of all given nation'. 'Thus reunited'. We're all here again! We've all been reunited to create a diversion. The diversion was Jamie coming in that room and saving me and taking me here," I exclaim, happily. "'To end the society of all given nation... Freemind's society, Freemind's nation. Cynthia  must've written in her poem that all of us are here to change their horrible society on this island."

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