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"How long has it been...?" pants Lillette. I check the time.

"They've only been down there for a few minutes. Laura's watching her smoothly." I say. Lillette's skin has gotten slightly greyer as these hours have gone by. When Laura and Sawyer get back, we need to call Freemind Headquarters. They'll know what to do.

"I mean how long it's been since I got shot..." she mumbles.

"Nine hours." responds Tyler. Lillette sighs.

"The bullet's still in there and we don't know where it is..." recalls Lillette. We all sit here, sulking. We don't know where the bullet is. It could be anywhere stuck in her body.

Lillette then lets out a gag, and starts coughing between it. Tyler gets up concerned and stands over her. She continues to gag, when tiny spurts of blood come out of her mouth. I bolt over to her, grabbing her shoulders.

"Okay, okay. Roll on your side, roll on your side." I say. Tyler and I help her roll over to her side, wincing as she does so. We hold her there as blood splatters to the floor from her mouth. She stops, inhaling deeply. Tyler cleans her mouth with a cloth, patting her shoulder.

"You're okay..." he says. She tightens her throat, rolling back onto her back. Concerned, Vegas goes up to her, whimpering in her face. He starts licking her hand, but she barely is able to move her hand.

"Vegas, don't." says Tyler, pulling Vegas away from Lillette, petting him afterwards.

"Hey... I'm okay..." mumbles Lillette to Vegas with cracks in her muttered voice. Vegas looks up at her, as she slowly is able to lift up her fingers. Vegas goes up to her, putting his hand under her fingers. I look at them saddened.

Vegas always knows when something's wrong with the kids. He always tries to help. I know a thing or two about that...

"Oh my back hurts so bad..." Lillette mumbles helplessly.

"I know..." soothes Tyler, stroking her hair. Her back hurts... it's her back... A worry strikes me, worried to break it to them.

"Lillette," I say. She looks up at me. "Can you roll to your other side?"

She sighs with a cry.

"I just rolled to my side..." she wails.

"I know kiddo, but let me just check something." I say. She sulks, as Tyler helps her roll to her left side. I lift up the back of her tank top, and I almost jump by what I see.

There is a large, spread out bruise of many colors on her spine. It's yellow on the outer edges, and it's a dark purple in the middle.

"Oh my gosh..." mutters Tyler, losing his breath in shock.

"W-what?" says Lillette, concerned. We continue to stare, as we help her over to her back again. She looks at us, waiting to hear something. "You both have gone silent, what's going on?"

Oh God, how do I break this to a kid?

"Um... Lillette..." I begin. She leans her head slightly forward, raising her eyebrows. "Lillette... the bullet's on your spine."

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