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I look at the hologram of Lillette's x-ray. We were able to form an x-ray by taking the camera from the Chair, connect the needle to her arm, which got us to scan a picture from inside her body.

"That's the bullet... and that's your spine." says Laura, pointing at her spine on the floating screen. Lillette stares at it, laid across a table, Tyler at her side. Lillette's skin has gone grey, sweat is all over her body, and is looking weaker by the moment.

"What can you guys do?" asks Tyler. Lim and Laura look at each other.

"Well, we're not doctors Tyler." says Laura.

"Well you have to do something!" snaps Tyler. "People at the headquarters are doctors."

"We can't get a signal, it's just what it is." says Lim.

"It's fine..." whispers Lillette. We all turn to her. "If there's nothing you guys can do..."

"Hey," says Lim, going up to her and touching her hand. "We are gonna do something. But the only thing we can think of is... if Sawyer takes the bullet out herself."

"What?" exclaims Tyler alarmed.

"What?" I say. Me? Lillette slowly turns her head over to me.

"Sawyer, you're the only one here with telekinetic powers. The only way we can take the bullet out at this point, is if you do it," says Laura walking over to me. "Is that something you can do?"

But she doesn't know my battery's low. It may be low for a while if I don't do something about it... but Lillette. It's been days since she's gotten shot, and she needs help.

I turn to Lillette, nervously pursing my lips. Everyone stares at me like everything depends on me... because it does. Lillette stares at me with the same expression on her face she's had for days. I don't even know if I can put her to sleep if I take the bullet out.

I have to try. She's my friend.

I turn to Laura, and nod. Okay, so I'm doing this.

"Just wait," says Tyler, turning around. "We need to know if Lillette's okay with this."

Right... Lillette scrunches her eyebrows, wincing.

"What happens if the bullet isn't taken out...?" asks Lillette.

"Lillette..." says Laura, walking up to her. "The bullet is pressing on your spine. If we don't take this bullet out, you'll either die... or you'll never walk again. You'll be paralyzed from the waist down."

Lillette stares at her with calming horror in her eyes.

"But if, Sawyer does take the bullet out," says Laura with a more positive voice. "You can regain the feeling in your legs again."

"Can?" mumbles Lillette nervously. Laura purses her lips, facing away from Lillette.

"It's definitely not a promise. But if we want to risk that chance to have you walk again..." begins Lim.

"Do it..." interrupts Lillette. We all stare at her saddened. "I'm not gonna be paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of my life because I got shot by an idiot..."

Tyler gives a soft smile as he holds her hand tightly.

"Okay." nods Laura.

It's settled. Lillette's getting surgery.

I hold my hand to my face nervously.

"Guys..." I shudder. All heads turn to me. I should just tell them. "My powers have been weaker in the past few days."

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