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I roll Eli to his back, desperately trying to wake him up.

"Hey, Eli. Eli!" I snap, hearing him mumble and groan. Seriously? He's gonna take his sweet time to wake up in the middle of this? I slap my hand across Eli's face. "Wake up!"

His eyes shoot open, finally looking up at me.

"Lillette?" he  wails. "What's going on? Where are we?"

He looks up, and sees that all four of us are behind bars. Thick, strong, metal bars. Outside of it is a dark room, wooden with a hallway around the corner.

"I don't know. We're being held somewhere underground." I say as he gets up. Once he gets up, he winces and mumbles, his hand going to his neck.

"God, my neck is killing me..." he mumbles.

"Mine too... I think they put something in our necks. All of us." I say, going up to Jamie and Tyler, unconscious on the ground. I've changed into a dark jacket, with the symbol on it, and sleek, leather pants, which I found in the cell. There are other jackets for the boys to wear, to change out of their dirty, sweat-soaked button up shirts.

We're being held captive.

"No no no... Sawyer's gone..." mumbles Eli. I look over at Eli. "I, I, I... I couldn't save her..."

"What? Eli, don't say that." I say in a series tone.

I shove Tyler awake.

"Hey. Wake up." I say. After a few seconds, he slowly starts to wake up. He looks next to him, seeing Jamie next to him.

"Jamie...!" he mutters, waking Jamie.

"She's gone... she's gone, I don't know where she is! She's really gone, and I can't breathe!" Eli shudders, tears in his eyes forming.

"Eli stop!" I snap, Tyler and Jamie embracing.

"Are you okay?" asks Tyler. Jamie nods, turning to Jamie from Eli's loud, uncontrollably paced breathing.

"No, Eli stop. We're just down here, Sawyer has to be somewhere up there. We'll get her back." I soothe, going up to Eli, putting my hands on his shoulder.

"Oh my God, where are we?" shudders Jamie, getting up and going up to the bars.

"I don't know. There has to be a way out though." I say, still holding onto Eli.

"Really? Not with those in your neck," we suddenly hear a voice come from the back. All heads bolt to where we heard it, hearing it from outside the cell and behind the wall.

Someone's down here... It was a young man's voice.

"Tyler Starglare..." mutters the man.

He knows us? They already know our names? I look over at Tyler, looking just as worried as me.

"Jamie Valk..." he also mutters.

We then see someone dress in all black, with a hood over their head come from around the corner. He walks with his head down, unable to see his face.

"And Lillette Ilian," he mutters, in a different tone. Wait, I'm starting to think I've heard this voice before... "Do you have any idea how long it takes to recover from a concussion?"

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