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Several dozen guards in the League spread out, yelling many words. They're armed with guns, lights shining on the end of it. We all hide behind trees, and hear a few guards run over to the vehicle.

A few seconds pass, until a guard says, "Sir, no bodies. They must've ran."

"Spread out, look for them. If you see them, arrest them. Do not let them into Freemind."


Damn Reed.

We hear them all walk away, their footsteps splashing in the muddy ground from the rain.

We wait a few seconds... until they're gone.

"How many are there?" asks Eli.

"At least twenty," responds Emily. "We need to get to the doors before they block them off. "It's dark enough. We can try to go from here to the doors without being spotted."

"They want me," says Lance. I bolt my head around to him. He did not just say that! "I'll turn myself in, and they'll leave you guys alone."

Lance already starts to walk out of the trees towards the guards. I snatch his arm, pulling him back, "Are you crazy? That is not happening!"

"I have to!" snaps Lance.

"Guys! Keep your voices down!" whisper-snaps Emily, ducking and walking over to us. "They're spreading out fast. We have to make it to the doors before they spot us. Is everyone clear on that?"

Everyone looks at each other, until we all nod.

"How are we gonna get there?" asks Levin, going over to Grace.

"Until no lights are shining over here. We stay low on the ground, duck to the ground every time we see a guard near us. It's all we can do," says Emily. We all nod. "Get ready."

We see several lights frantically flash throughout the woods, searching for us.

The rain relentlessly continues to pour, when we slowly start to inch ourselves forward to make a break for it.

The moment no lights shine from our direction, it's our cue.

"Go!" whispers Emily. Without hesitation all of us bolt from our hiding spot and sprint our way through the trees. They better not see us, because if they do, we're done for. We make several splashing noises, but go quick. I select a tree to get to in time, hoping I'll get there.

"Hey! I'm over here!" I hear a scream.


I freeze and turn around, seeing Lance frantically wave his arms and running a different direction.

"Lance!" I hiss. Everyone else continues to run, when Lance sprints away. I have to go after him! He can't get spotted. "Lance! Get back here!"

"I'm over here! Come get me!" shouts Lance.

I sprint over to Lance, catching up to him quickly.

"Lance! God dammit!" I shout. I throw myself onto his back, slamming his body onto the ground. He grunts in pain as I lay on top of him. "Are you crazy!"

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