Yandere Types (Forever sixth/Aulluxey rangers)

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(I all ready did this before so yeah here we go. I'm not adding Tommy and Jason here since they'll be the same here.)


He cares for you as he will show his affection with small gifts. He will be a bit overprotective towards you making sure that your okay without any harm. He won't hurt others just make them miserable.

Mike Corbett

He's slightly nervous when you're around as he does try to get your attention. He wants to get your attention from him only while impressing you. He will drag someone in hell if they get closer to you.

Ryan Mitchell

He's possessive as hell since he only has his eyes for you and you only. Be aware that he will manipulate you and sometimes drag you away from others. He is brutal when he kill someone for you and won't be sorry about it.

Eric Myers

He acts like he doesn't care, but he does since he has feelings for you even though he might act like rude sometimes. He tried to express his feelings for you, but more calmer around you only since you been nice to him. He's lovesick as he will terminate someone that has sees as a threat and yes will kidnap you anytime.

Merrick Bailton

He won't admit it, but he has feelings for you he just needs to know how to express his emotions. He was worried that you'll be afraid of him and leave him after what he did, but you weren't scared of him that's why he likes you. He'll think twice before he can kill someone for you.

Cameron "Cam" Watanabe

He wasn't interested at first until he has feelings for you. He tried to confess to you, but he's worried that he'll get rejected and you left him. He'll get jealous if you're talking to someone else and sometimes drag you away from them. He doesn't like hurting others if provoke, but he mostly blackmail them.

Trent Fernandez-Mercer

He's flustered around you, but is willing to express his feelings towards you even if he's not good at it since he's shy. He will protect you at all costs since he can be a little bit clingy. He will slaughter anyone that gets in his way even his own team. He sometimes likes to draw pictures of you and him together.


He understands that he has feelings for him, but he wants to figure out if he has the same feelings for you. He gets sort of clingy for you to get his attention and will protect you. He will blackmail others than hurt them at times.


She cares about you, but tried her best to express them, but she'll always be there for you no matter what happens. She'll mostly blackmail to make others miserable.

Anubis Cruger

He's intimidating, but he has a soft spot for you as he wants to tell you how you feel well if he can do that that is. He'll try to express his feelings for you and you figure out what he means by that at least he gives you complements. He'll make someone's life miserable for you like one time you were talking to a cadet and he growled at him in protective mode.


She's overprotective towards you as he doesn't want you getting hurt and protect you from any danger. She's also strict about your safety as she'll sometimes not make you leave HQ and give you different task to do. She has notes about how to kill someone, but she mostly blackmail them or scare them. She sometimes hiss at anyone who was to touchy with you.


He might express it, but you know he cares for you he just doesn't have the right things to say something about it. He protect you like a bodyguard to you and won't hesitate to strike at anyone he sees as a threat.

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