Fly Angels Fly

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(1. Hazel, 2. Serenity, 3. Artemis, 4. Selene)
The girls and I walk into a set that is designed as a classroom. We stand in line wondering what we are doing today. The producers all where looking at us

"Today you will be answering questions and debate the answers but there is a twist. There will be words or sayings as actions for each one of you that you will be banned from using, if you say or do something forbidden you will be sprayed with water. The members will pick the words and actions. Who ever gets hit the most will be punished."

The girls and I look at each other.

"Let's start with picking Serenity's forbidden words and actions"

I sit down watching the girls talk and discuss what they will write for me. We all will be wearing the forbidden words and actions on a headband.

{Serenity: Words- Super Junior/ SUJU, Like. Action- Talking with hands}

As soon as the headband is on its time to pick Artemis' words and actions. I'm able to come up with them quickly

{Artemis: Words- Anything about Serenity, Addressing herself. Action- Looking at any member}

Artemis seemed nervous when I put the headband onto her. Hazel sits down when we are choosing hers

{Hazel: Words- Um, Maybe . Action- Shaking her leg}

The hardest person we had to think of was Selene as she has many things we could choose.

{Selene: Words- Yes, No. Action- Scratching}

We sit in a line at desks

Hazel -> Serenity -> Artemis -> Selene

Sitting there in a line I can feel the anxiousness from the girls. We all wanted to know what each other chose for each other.

"First Question: What 2nd generation group deserves more recognition and respect?"

The staff with the water guns where aiming them mostly at me. I tap at my chin in thought

"Why are you all look at me is one of my words Super Junior?"

I get sprayed by water

"Wow so let say this all second generation groups deserve more recognition and respect, my parents group definitely. Everyone should respect them as if it wasn't because if it wasn't for them and first generation groups we wouldn't be here."

Many questions later

Artemis is the member that is the most soaked and all of our sides are hurting from laughing at her. Selene was the second most soaked only because it is hard for her to not say yes or no, Hazel and I are the least soaked as we were able to figure ours by a guessing a few times.

"How are you two the ones who barely got soaked."

"We figured out our words and actions."

"Come on Serenity give me a hint"

The girls and I laugh as Artemis gets hit again with water. Selene seems to figure out what her words and action are before Artemis. I can see that the staff are laughing at Artemis hard. She was looking like she got stuck in a rain shower with no coat or umbrella. It seemed that we have finished the questions. The girls and I stand in front of the table as we hear the punishment for the loser.

"The loser of this game will have to buy lunch for everyone. This means staff and the members as well as them-self. It is pretty obvious who the loser is."

We all look at Artemis laughing

"Artemis you will have to buy everyone lunch for getting soaked the most."

She lets out a grown but nods. We end the filming with what we always say at the end of each Fly Angels Fly episode.

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