Serenity at Fansigns

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1. Always talking to the fans who are waiting

2. Sings along to the songs playing

3. Plays around with the fan cams

4. Looks at the fan she is talking to like they are the world

5. If there are children she will play with them and even hold them

6. Hands out goody-bags before the fansign which is usually snacks and a drink

7. In colder weather she has given out hot chocolate to all the fans that are waiting

8. Usually dances around to the songs playing

9. Has played random dancing with the fans

10. Always talking to the fans when there is a break

11. Always gives her full attention to her fans, she wants them to feel special and worth something

12. Always puts on accessories and stickers fans give her

13. Has been gifted things that always causes her to be shocked.

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