Serenity's Weight Loss & Gain

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- Weighed 50 kgs but was told to lose a bit of weight before her debut.

- Only ate one large meal and a smaller meal a day.

- Usually a wrap/ sandwich for the small meal very basic and plain, pasta with very little in eat as a large meal.

- Weighed about 47 kgs but was told to lose weight before her comeback.

- Weight went up and down because of her in school

- She stopped eating lunch often and would only eat dinner.

- Weighed 49 kgs and needed to lose weight.

- Her weight went up and down depending on what country she was in.

- Ate small dinners only very rarely did she eat a full lunch.

- Weighed 46 kgs but this was the year that she gained her eating disorder.

- Her weight went down throughout her promotion period.

- Stopped eating more then a child size dinner.

- Aftaid of eating in front of people

- Weighed 48 kgs but still tried to lose weight.

- Weight fluctuated throughout the year but became bad near the end.

- Would eat small breakfasts and small dinners.

- Afraid of eating in front of people

- Weighed between 20 - 35 kgs.

- Wouldn't eat no matter what

- Would nibble throughout the day but only something small.

- Afraid of eating in front of people

- Weighed 45 kgs and maintained it.

- Got help with dealing with her eating disorder

- Eats nearly twice a day and usually has snacks throughout the day.

- Still afraid of eating in front of people

- Weighs 45 kgs and keeps it at that

- Eats two meals a day

- Monitors her food intake to make sure she's eating properly

- Not as afraid of eating in front of people

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