Fly Angels Fly 3

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(All their hair is tied up)

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(All their hair is tied up)

(All their hair is tied up)

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[(Se)- Selene, (H)- Hazel, (A)- Artemis, (S)- Serenity]

(S) "Sinners are you ready?"
"We are Angel Sins"
(S) "This is the show where Angel Sins are free to fly and show it all."

"Girls today you will be breaking into teams of two and will be baking as well as decorating cakes. The teams have been decided by us"

I was holding onto Hazel

"It is rappers vs vocalists"

Hazel and I cheered as we hugged. The two of us look at Selene and Artemis, both looked anxious.

"We have a idol group who will judge the taste and look of the cakes"

There was two kitchens that where set up for us. Hazel and I head over to our kitchen

(H) "Thank god I got you"
(S) "Yeah Artemis is a disaster in the kitchen and Selene can't cook"

"Both teams will both be making a layered rainbow cake. You have four hours and you begin now"

Hazel and I walk to our side and look at what they have laid out for us. We gather all of the equipment and ingredients we need. Preheating the oven we begin the work. The both of us look up briefly and see that Selene and Artemis are already a disaster.

(Think this audio to represent both sides)

Ingredients are all over the place and the kitchen is a mess.

The kitchen is clean and organised.

Artemis has already burned herself. Their cakes are in the oven. Kitchen is still a mess.

Cakes are in the oven, kitchen is clean. No injuries.

Rushing around trying to make icing, Selene added salt instead of sugar and they have to restart.

They are calmly making the icing while trying not to laugh at the members.

Selene and Artemis are taking out their cakes when they both burn each other.

Serenity and Hazel are taking turns being carefully not to burn each other.

Icing and layering the cakes before the cakes are cooled

The cakes where set to the side to cool while cleaning up and organising everything.

Cake is falling apart, icing is melting. They just sprinkle decorations on top and hope for the best.

Only starting to ice and layer the cake. Their decoration is delicate and precise.

Both teams are doing their finishing touches just as time is called. And the results are shockingly different.

(S) "What idol group is judging the cakes?"(H) "Yeah"

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(S) "What idol group is judging the cakes?"
(H) "Yeah"

"Stray Kids"

(Se) "Well our cake won't win compared to Serenity and Hazel's"
(A) "That's because those two can actually bake and cook."

Both cakes are taken to a different room to be judged by Stray Kids. They aren't told who did which cake.

(S) "You two are disasters in the kitchen"

The two seem to get offended by the comment which causes all of us to laugh. The people who had taken the cakes come back with Stray Kids.

"They have decided on a winner"
(A) "It's Serenity and Hazel isn't it"


Hazel and I cheer while hugging each other.

"Noona we didn't know you could bake"
(S) "Maybe I'll bake for you all sometime."

As we are closing the episode I feel someone hugging me, glancing to the side I see that it's Felix. I wrap an arm around him. More then half of Stray Kids have been claimed as my sons.

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