31 - The Third Task

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Fred was right, the third task came around faster than you all had expected. You all didn't have long until dinner and then once you'd all eaten it would be time to head down to the Quidditch pitch to watch the final task. You were currently getting changed to head down for dinner. Due to how nervous you were you decided to wear Fred's jumper again. It smelt like gunpowder, spearmint toothpaste, cinnamon and a faint whiff of the Quidditch equipment. It was a comforting smell which calmed you in an instant. 

You finished getting ready and headed down to the common room to meet the boys. As you walked down the stairs you saw the majority of Gryffindors holding banners and had their faces painted in support of Harry. It made you smile seeing how much they supported him, he deserved it. 

"There you are!" Lee called as you walked closer to him and the twins. "Ready for dinner?" 

"When aren't I ready for dinner?" You smirked back as you all made your way to the Great Hall. 

"Have I ever told you how cute you look in my jumper?" Fred leaned down to whisper in your ear as you walked to the hall, a surge of confidence flooding him as he spoke. 

"You might have mentioned it." You smirked at him. The two of you smiled as you entered the hall. 

"MUM?" George's voice caught your and Fred's attention. Looking towards the Gryffindor table you saw Molly and Bill sat eating. 

"Hello dears!" Molly smiled as you all sat down at the table. 

"Molly what are you doing here?" You asked as you sat opposite Bill. 

"The families of the Champions were invited to watch the final task and here we are!" She smiled brightly but her eyes quickly shifted to what you were wearing. She looked at the 'F' on your jumper and immediately shifted her gaze between you and Fred. As you two sat next to one another. Bill noticed his mothers reaction causing him to smirk. 

"(y/n) that's a nice jumper you've got there." Bill kept his smirk as he pointed to the jumper. You decided to have some fun with this. 

"Why thank you Bill. If you take a closer look you'll notice that it's actually your brothers." You smirked back at him as you continued to eat whilst Fred started to go red. 

"Miss McGonagall?" The familiar sound of Dumbeldores voice caused you all to look up at the man who was now standing in front of you all. 

"Yes sir?" 

"Mr Potter has requested you to walk him into the arena. I will need your presence at the Champions tent now." 

"Oh- oh right... I'll head there now." He nodded and waltzed off. "Sorry everyone." You excused yourself from the table but before you could leave, Fred grabbed your hand and spoke. 

"I'll get you something from the kitchen when the task is over." 

"My hero." You smiled at the boy as you left the hall and made your way to the Quidditch pitch. 

You couldn't help but laugh to yourself at the thought of how Oliver would react if he saw the Quidditch pitch's new look. The pitch was unreconisable. It now had three large stands facing the entrance to the final task which you now knew was a maze. Chatter could be heard from the tent and one of the voices that could be heard was Mr Diggory who was more than likely here to support his son. 

"(y/n)!" Harry's voice rang out as you walked into the tent. The boy ran into you and flung his arms around you nearly knocking you over. 

"God Harry." You laughed slightly as you wrapped your arms back around the boy. "Everything okay?" You asked the boy as you pulled back. 

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