32 - The end of Sixth Year

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"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Barty grinned as he rolled his sleeve up to reveal the dark mark. Dumbledore grabbed Harry's arm that had been cut open and held it next to the dark mark. Barty had a menacing grin plastered across his face as he watched Harry squirm in pain.

"It's happened then! Lord Voldemort has returned! You could have one (y/n)." Barty pointed to his arm with a glowing look on his face. 

"I'd rather die." 

"Me and you, we could be by Voldemort's side. Together. As father and daughter." 

"You are no father of mine. You're simply a Godfather to me. A Godfather that didn't even step up to his job when my mother died." 

"That's because he took you from me! I would have raised you!" 

"You would have raised me to be a death eater!" You held your wand to his neck. 

"Call Madam Pomfrey, Minerva. The real Alastor Moody will need tending to. And send an owl to Azkaban. I think they'll find they're missing a prisoner." Dumbledore instructed. 

"Come on you three, out." Your mum tried to lead you, Harry and Fred, out of the room but you stayed put. 

"I'll be welcomed back like a hero."

"Perhaps. Personally, I've neverhad much use for heroes." Dumbledore, whose eyes now turned dark turned to leave the room when you spoke up.

"Five minutes." 

"What?" Your mother asked in a shaky tone. 

"I want five minutes with him, alone. Please." 

"No!" Both your mother and Fred said at the same time. 

"Perhaps it would be wise to leave Miss McGonagall alone with her Godfather." 

"Wise? Albus, have you gone mad?" Your mum screeched. 

"Perhaps but I deem it a task she must face." Dumbledore nodded and walked out of the office with everyone else. 

"Scream if anything happens." Snape said as he left. 

"Thanks, professor I'll keep that in mind." 

He nodded as he shut the door. "I must say you're very much like your mother." 

"Tell me about her." You lowered your wand and sat opposite him. 

"That was brave of you, how do you know I won't try and kill you?" 

"Because I'm like my mother, killing me would be like killing her. Not even you, a death eater could carry out such a task." He sat back in his chair looking baffled at your words. 

"What do you want to know?" 

"Everything, how she met you, what she was like, and about her and my dad." 

"Your father..." He scoffed at those words. "Your father was a slimy git. He never loved your mother, anyone could see that. Took off the moment she died, he wouldn't even hold you or look at you. That's where he and your mother differed, she cared. She helped me through my childhood, then it all crumbled the moment she passed. Your father didn't care at all, didn't care about her or you. How anyone could do that to their own child I don't know... I was the first to hold you." 

"You were?" He smiled at your words and at the memory. 

"Yes, you grabbed onto my thumb and wouldn't let go until I passed you to Sirius. I told myself I would be by your side forever. That hasn't worked out has it?" 

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