|Chapter 69|

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Remi Mae's POV

Both Charlie and I picked up Tommy rushing him down stairs to the medical room.

Using my empty hand I swung open the lapel switching on the light.

We walked Tommy over to the bed tossing his down.

Kneeling next to him on the bed I interlaced my hands putting on on top of the other placing them middle of his chest.

Standing on my knees I started chest compression as Charlie rushed around the room.

" 1,2,3..." I counted as tears flowed down my face.

After counting all the way to 30 I plugged his nose, tilting his head back as I gave him 2, 1 second long breaths.

Immediately I jumped back on to chest compressions.

" Come on Tommy. I need you. I can't lose you." I cried.

Stopping chest compression I checked for a pulse.


Tears started to flow down my faces even harder.

" Come on Tommy please." I begged.

" Found it." Charlie shouted holding up a defibrillator.

He rushed over to the bedside ripping open Tommy's shirt exposing his chest.

He placed one of the pad on the upper right hand side of the chest then the other on the lower left side of the chest.

Connecting the defibrillator to the pads he turned the machine.

" Clear." He shouted.

He pressed the button causing Tommy chest to flop upwards.

Charlie presses his fingers against his neck.

" Again." He said.

" Clear!" He shouted.

Tommy's body twitched again from the shock.

Tommy jerked up gasping for air as he coughed.

I rushed to his side putting my hand on his shoulder.

" Oh my god you scared the shit out of me." I said tears still running down my face.

He reached his hand up as Charlie brought a oxygen mask over placing it around his face.

He placed his hand against my cheek rubbing his thumb over my tears.

" I'm okay, you don't have to cry." He coughed.

I jumped looking towards the door as I heard the shots that rang through the house.

Looks like they finally arrived.

I looked back at Tommy and Charlie.

" I need to go." I said.

Charlie shook his head.

" Go. I'll get him settled a meet you out there."

I nodded.

Now all I needed was a weapon.

" Tommy do you still have your gun?" I questioned.

He shook his head.

" They took it." He whispered through the oxygen mask.

Of course they did how dumb could you possibly be Remi.

" I have an extra one in my desk drawer." He pointed.

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