Part 68

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"Leave" I demanded making the doctor practically run out the room. I stared at the body. He must have been in so much pain. So many scratched, so many cuts. I know it sounds weird but I couldn't help run my fingers through his hair. I always used to when he was tired. I felt like I was tucking him in for a sleep that he wouldn't ever wake up from. The way I pulled up the thin sheet that covered his body, the way I made sure his legs were nicely tucked in, the way I caressed his head. It all made me tear up. This was my last good bye. My final goodnight. The last time I would get to hold his hand tightly and comfort him after a long day of work.

"I'm so sorry Bam." I whisper, my voice cracking as I choke on my sobs. "Im so sorry I pushed you away. I'm so sorry I didn't talk to you. I'm sorry you got dragged into all of this. I'm sorry I couldn't have saved you and I'm sorry I couldn't have been there when you were in so much pain." I laughed through my tears as I recall memories. "I remember you would always place your head on my lap when you wanted me to stroke your hair.

I remember whenever you got even just the tiniest paper cut, you would beg me to make you tea and and hug you infront of the fire. I know you were just using it as an excuse to spend time with me. But I don't mind. I never minded. I would love for you to come and show me a newly formed bruise and pout until I came and made it better for you. I would love for you to speak to me again. Say anything. Just be with me again."

I take a breath. "But that's all for another time isn't it Bam? You gotta sleep for now. You're gonna have a really good sleep and when you wake up you're gonna be somewhere so much better then this place. I won't be there for a while. But you gotta promise to wait for me. I'll be there. Maybe with Jackson too. Maybe we can play monopoly again. That never ending game where you guys always slipped me more money because I would always loose without cheating."

I laugh a little again. "Promise to wait for me." I kiss his forehead. "I'll see you soon. Goodnight Bambam." I finish and bathe in the silence.

I place his hand back under the cover by his side and push him into the darkness of the drawer before closing it. He's gonna like the next life. I know he will. He's gonna be free and happy. I'll make sure of it.

I wipe away my tears and turn towards the door. I can't go out looking vulnerable and weak. I've got to be brave. I gotta get back to Koo in one piece and that ain't happening if I look like an easy target for anyone. After one last deep breath, I make my way out the door. I passed the doctor who looked a little shaken up a few feet away from the room but I pass him like nothing happened.

It was reasonably deserted considering it was a week end. Usually hospitals would be full of drunk people at 2 am who had hurt themselves in fights or gotten far too drunk to the point of alcohol poisoning. But as I said before it was practically deserted so when my phone went off I almost jumped out my skin.

I take it out as I make it into the cold air and see Koo's name pop up. Yeah I'm fucked. I pick up and don't even need to put it against my ear to hear him shout. "Y/N! What the fuck are you doing?" I roll my eyes but don't reply. "You went out by your damn self in the middle of the night! What are you thinking? You didn't even give me a heads up." I hear him practically growl on the other end then continue. "Get your ass back here now! You're in serious trouble kitten."

I let the silence carry on. "Kitten?" His tone became a little softer. I wasn't feeling speaking to him so I hang up. I'm going through something what did he expect me to do? Continue being my happy little self? I don't think so...

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