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THIS IS LONG (like Liams dick )

Photo-Why is he so fabulous?


Enjoy :)

"Kitten?Where are you?"Zayn called as he stepped back into the cool temperature of his country home.The meeting was exhausting and quite frankly it bored the life out of Zayn because it was pointless.The meeting was based around the up coming tour that was in a couple of months time,the first location being Australia which Zayn was pretty excited about.He loved Australia,it was his go to place when he was down in the dumps or needed a break from normal city life,He loved the beaches and when he normally went he admired the gorgeous bodies of the suffers coming in from the sea.

Anyway,the meeting was a total waste of His,Harrys and Nialls time as Liam was in charge of all of the stuff considering the band,tours and transport.He was in charge of everyone's passports and hotel room information,not that it bothered anyone else because that meant that no one else had to worry about where they kept their passports.Liam was the responsible one in the group,he made sure that everything was in line,made sure that no one stepped out of line and made sure that everyone had the correct things they required for each trip.

After the meeting was done with and he had a quick chat with Nigel (The Bands organiser Who Zayn really disliked because he was a self-centred d*ck) Him in the boys went for a quick meal at a McDonalds drive threw because they were all hungry.He admitted he felt bad because he was eating fast food while Louis was stuck in the house watching Movies with only Kat and Jean* to keep him company,so he got the boy a McFlurry.He had An angry Harry drop him home at the house as Niall was being naughty and thought it was a good idea with the give the Middle finger to a passerbyer.

He sighed as he tossed his house keys into the bowl by the door and emerged further into the house,turning to the left into the livingroom frowning when he didn't find Louis where he left him watching TV with a glass of milk.The television was on so with the cold McFlurry in one hand he turned off the TV with the remote with the other before going back into the front hall and threw the dinning room and into the kitchen.He always found his house quiet the puzzle to anyone who didn't know their way around the house,but he did so he was fine.

He smiled as he watched Louis giggle on the kitchen island stool,his old red sweater sleeves covering his face as he kicked his legs giggling.His Hazel tail was swishing happily behind him and his ears were perked up.Zayn followed where his eyes were going back and forth to and held back a laugh as Jean* danced around the kitchen with a pancake face over his normal tan face.Jean* was originally from France,from a little fishing village to the south west of the country but he moved to England when he was 18 to start his cooking career.He was only 25 when he started working in Zayns house and that was two years ago meaning he was 27 now.

"Goofing off on the job,Hmm?"Zayn perked up from his place in the doorframe,a playful tone in his voice as Jean* stopped his dancing and removes the pancake batter off of his face.His Hazel eyes showed so much energy as he looked at Zayn."I should really fire your ass,y'know?"Zayn continued,walking into the kitchen with the McFlurry still in his hand.Louis stopped giggling when he noticed Jean* had stopped Dancing,he looked at Jean* and then noticed Zayn,smiling widely when he noticed the older lad.

"You wouldn't be able to live without my cooking Sir,"Jean*smiled,wiggling his eyebrows at Zayn who just chuckled.Jeans* accent was still very thick but not thick enough that you wouldn't be able to understand him,Zayn loved his accent and his personality."And without my lovely body,"He winked as Zayn rolled his eyes,setting the ice cream container onto the marble island worktop before embracing his kitten into a hug who stiffened slightly but soon relaxed.

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