♡︎ Broken Promise ~ Dorbyn ♡︎

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Ship(s): Dorbyn (Daniel and Corbyn)

Prompt: in which you have a mark every time you make a promise. And if you break that promise, the mark is permanent. And after a year of dating, Daniel finally asks Corbyn's about his

Famous or nah: nah

-3rd person POV-

"I don't get why Daniel's still with him"

"I know right, he's a freak"

"That mark has been on him since he was in kindergarten"

The couple heard as they walked down the halls of their public high school. Corbyn put his head down in order to hide his mark. His mark that defined his reputation ever since kindergarten. A promise he broke but it's okay. He's willing to bare the mean hurtful comments for his mark. His mark held so much more meaning than anyone knew.

"Head up prince, don't let your crown fall." Daniel whispered as he made Corbyn look up, frowning at the tears that appeared in Corbyn's eyes.

Daniel still didn't know what had happened. Everyone knew why a mark appeared, you broke a promise. Yet no one knew Corbyn's broken promise. Everyone knew each others at school expect for corbyn's.

The tears came from the hurtful comments but also because today marked 12 years as to why he got his mark. And today, was the day Corbyn would tell Daniel. Corbyn knew that Daniel wanted to know but refused to ask because Daniel felt it would cause damage in their relationship. But two weeks ago marked their one year anniversary and Corbyn was ready to tell him now.

"Hey Daniel, I um, I'm gonna take you somewhere today after school okay. Is that okay with you?" Corbyn asked his partner who nodded sadly at his lover, noticing his nervous demeanor.

"Of course love. I'll see you later." Daniel said as the bell rang causing the two boys to nod and head their separate ways due to their classes being different.

-after school-

"Ready?" Corbyn asked Daniel who appeared next to him, near his car.

Once Daniel nodded, Corbyn opened the door for Daniel and shut the door once he knew that Daniel was fully in.

"Where are we going?" Daniel asked once Corbyn left the parking lot of school grounds and down the opposite side of where they live.

"Umm, I'm showing you the reason why my mark became permanent." Corbyn said as his voice broke.

"Love," Daniel frowned. "You don't have to if you don't want. Please don't feel pressured." Daniel said as he grabbed corbyns hand that was in the middle of the console.

"I want to Dani." Corbyn smiled sadly over at Daniel who nodded back. Daniel Bouncing his leg out of a nervous habit.

"This is a cemetery." Daniel paused as they got out.

"I know, come on." Corbyn said as he grabbed Daniel's hand and lead him down a path that lead to a gravestone.

"Hey jo," Corbyn whispered once they got to the right gravestone. "I'm back. I can't believe it's been twelve years today." Corbyn sniffled. "I brought my boyfriend this time like I promised." He softly chuckled.

"Dani, this is jonah." Corbyn paused as his voice broke. "He was my kindergarten boyfriend." Corbyn laughed softly.

"He's the one I broke my promise to." Corbyn said as tears fell down his cheeks.

"I promised him we would get married." Corbyn laughed. "We were in kindergarten when I made that promise." Corbyn continued.

"In first grade, jonah was ran over and died due to the force. He had pushed me out of the way." Corbyn sobbed as he broke down, landing on his knees as Daniel fell with him, holding him.

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