♡︎ 5 Years Later ~ Jorbyn ♡︎

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Ship(s): Jorbyn (jonah and Corbyn) and Jachary (Jack and zach) with a bit of Franiel (Daniel and franny)

Prompt: in which they hear Jayden (Corbyn's and Jonah's kid) talk to his daddy who's up in Heaven

Famous or nah: famous

-3rd person POV-

August twenty four, a day that will forever be implanted in Corbyn's and Jayden's life. Along with their friends and families. And the limelights.

It was August twenty fourth, Corbyn had friends and family over. August 24, 20** marked the day Jonah arrived at Heaven. Jayden is Corbyn's and Jonah's baby boy. Today marked five years since Jonah has passed.

The adults all gathered up outside to see the stars. Before Jonah passed, he would always say, "if you miss me after I'm gone, look at the stars. I'll be there, watching you." And it's at times the only thing that keeps Corbyn going.

The adults stood outside in silence. Under the balcony. Out of view from anyone standing from the balcony. Everyone let Corbyn and Jonah's families soak up the energy that was being radiated. A small sad smile on everyone. They knew it was Jonah.

A door opening caught everyone's attention. It was Jayden. He had opened up the balcony door. They were about to call his name but then he started talking.

"It's been five years daddy." Jayden started as everyone looked up.

"I'm in the fifth grade now." Jayden stated out.

Zach, Daniel, and Jack immediately being brought to tears as they thought of their bandmate. Their brother. Daniel being reminded of he talks to Corey and Jonah like this at times. Jack imaging Lavender in Jaydens position. An image that haunted him.

*in heaven*


"Hey buddy." Jonah smiled down at his son. Watching him from above.

"I really like computers." Jayden smiled as he thought about his hobby. Something he had picked up from Corbyn. "But math is hard." Jayden let out a small sad chuckle.

*in heaven*

"Just like your dad. My little nerd." Jonah smiled down at his son. Remembering how Corbyn was and is. A smile on his face as he thought of the possibilities that his son can do from being so smart. Just like his dad. A wish that came true. He always wanted Jayden to be like Corbyn. To remind him of Corbyn. Little did he know that Jayden got Jonah's heart and eyes. A little mini Jonah for Corbyn.

The adults crying from below at the poor broken boy talking to his dad.

"Dad lets me sleep in one of your t-shirts." Jayden revealed as everyone looked at Corbyn who had silent tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I think it still smells like you." Jayden revealed as he sniffled.

"I don't need to sleep with the light on anymore." Jayden laughed, wiping away his tears.

*in heaven*

"Well done! I'm so proud baby!" Jonah said with a smile on his face.

"I'm trying not to cry daddy." Jayden said as his voice cracked. A frown on everyone's face. "But it still hurts daddy." Jayden said as he let out a sob.

Corbyn immediately heading inside and going up to his baby. Everyone letting them have their moment. No one following him.

*in heaven*

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