♡ I HATE YOU~ Zonah ♡

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Ship(s): zonah (Zach and Jonah)

Prompt: Jonah got Zach addicted to drugs and now he's refusing to give him. Hoping he gets back on his feet, but he knows that doing this will result in Zach hating him forever. A small prize to pay in Jonah's eyes if it means to get to see the old Zach come back. The one he fell for

Famous or nah: nah

-3rd person POV-

"Open this goddamn door!" Zach yelled as he banged on the door.

"Jonah!" He screamed, tears brimming his eyes.

"OPEN THIS DOOR!" He exclaimed, his knuckles began to become red.

"I can't," Jonah said.

"JONAH! Open the door!" Zach yelled once again.

"YOU DID THIS TO ME!" Zach yelled as he began to cry.

"YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS!" He kept yelled at his boyfriend.

"YOU TURNED ME INTO THIS!" Zach yelled as he sobbed.

Jonah closed his eyes as he took a breath. Tears began to fall down his cheeks.

"I HAD A FUTURE!" Zach banged on the door harder, anger taking over his body.

"I WAS GONNA GO TO COLLEGE!" He yelled, his knuckles beginning to bleed.


"JONAH!" Zach sobbed, he wanted the drug. He NEEDED the drug. He couldn't live without it. Jonah was his only dealer. He didn't know any other dealer.

"Please get help Zach," Jonah whispered.

"JONAH!" Zach yelled as he kicked the door.

"I NEED IT!" Zach sobbed, his heart breaking.

"Zachary please," Jonah said.

Zach scoffed as he began to itch his arm. Something he often did when he went to long without his drug.

"JONAH! OH MY GOD PLEASE! I need it," Zach whispered as he fell to his knees sobbing.

"What have I come to?" He whispered to himself, looking at his arm that was now bleeding from how hard he was scratching.

"I would like to report my boyfriend," Jonah said as he swallowed hard. He had to do this for Zach. For his Zach.

"What's the issue sir?" The police officer asked over the phone.

"He's an addict. I'm his dealer. I want him to get help. I want my old Zach back. Even if he'll hate me forever," Jonah confessed as he looked at the door. Tears falling down his cheek as he pictured the Zach he turned to.

"What's your address?" The officer asked.

Jonah gave all the information he had to. He knew was going to jail. He knew Zach was going to a rehab center. Jonah knew Zach would hate him after this. But Jonah couldn't handle the pain he carried. He turned Zach into a monster. He missed his old Zach. This was not the Zach he fell in love with.

"JONAH WHAT DID YOU DO?" Zach yelled once sirens were heard.

"I want you to get help," Jonah said.

"OPEN THIS DOOR!" Zach yelled as he stood up again and began to bang on the door once again.

"I HATE YOU JONAH MARAIS!" Zach yelled as Jonah's heart broke.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU!" Zach yelled again.

"If you don't open this door right now, I will hate you forever!" Zach sobbed. And Jonah was so tempted to open the door.

Zach groaned as he was pulled away from an officer.

"Mr. Marais, please step out," a police officer said as they knocked on the door.

Jonah stepped out as Zach watched every thing. A policeman holding him back.

"Mr. Marais you are being arrested due to holding illegal substances," the police officer said as they pushed Jonah's chest against the wall. His arms behind his back as they cuffed him.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning," the officer read Jonah's Miranda rights.

"How come-," before Zach could finish his question, a police man cut him off.

"He knew what he was doing when he called. He took the risk," the policeman said.

Because once you love someone, you are willing to risk it all.

As Jonah was dragged to the back of a cop car, he would never forget the last words Zach yelled at him as Zach's eyes were bloodshot and his arms were full of blood.


I saw this scene in a show that Zendya is in (dk if I spelled her name right sorry). Not sure what the show is called. I saw this scene on my explorer page on insta lmao



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Love you guys so much!

WE NEED TO TALK! Leave Gabbie alone! I saw a video of jack giving a fan a hug and it looked like he needed that hug more than the fan :( leave him alone, he's going through so much already. I literally just wanna give him a hug!

That family has been through so much. She's 17 and is being an amazing mother! She's raised Lav mostly be herself due to jack being on tour! She has done her best!

Gabbie uses her own damn money! And if jack gives her some, let them be! It's worked for them all this time. Jack was actually happy that he didn't tell us about Lav bc it gave him peace of mind! That's horrible! Y'all should be damn ashamed! Imma throw hands if y'all don't quit!

And if jack cheated, STFU! Y'all don't know shit! That's their business not ours. Idc what video you have seen cuz I've seen it too. LET THEM BE! And stop hating on an infant that isn't even 1! Grow the fuck up! Like dead ass

*not edited*

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