♡ It's My Time ~ Jachary ♡

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Ship(s): Jachary (jack and Zach) with a mention of Jorbyn (Jonah and Corbyn)

Prompt: in which Zach gives his heart transplant to another patient

Famous or nah: nah

-3rd person POV-

"Come on, come on! Hurry!" Jack yelled as he stood up.

His nurse helped him up as she put him in his wheelchair.

"Get Zach, please, he's the important one," jack told the nurse as she nodded.

She unhooked Zach from his wires.

The Avery family had gotten a call saying that Zach had finally gotten a heart. After 14 months of waiting, it was finally his turn. He was sixty three years old and he was in need of a new heart.

The two lovers and the nurse helped them into their car and began driving to the hospital that was thirty minutes away.

"Oh fuck," Jack cursed as police sirens were heard.

After a few minutes of waiting, the police officer finally walked up to the window.

"Ma'am," the police officer started.

"Please just give us the ticket. My husband is a need of a heart, we're on our way there now. We just got the call," jack interrupted from the passenger seat.

The police officer looked in the back and saw Zach slowly closing his eyes as a breathing mask covered his nose and mouth.

"Follow me, stay on my right bumper," the police officer commanded as the nurse who was driving nodded.

And so they began, making their way to the hospital. Zach's life on the line.

They quickly rushed in and everything was began to fall into place. Zach laid in bed, watching the tv that was mounted on the wall.

"Mr. Avery, could I have a word with you?" The doctor said as jack nodded and wheeled himself to the doctor.

"Yes?" Jack asked.

"There's a man begging to have the heart," the doctor started.

"But it's Zach's. He's been on that waiting list for fourteen months now," jack quickly interrupted.

"Jack, he's asking for it for his twelve year old daughter," the doctor stated.

"Listen doctor, I know I should give it to her but Zach is my life. He can't leave me," jack started as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Mr. Avery, I'm not asking you to do such a thing, I just wanted to inform you. I understand it's very difficult," the doctor said.

"It's just to inform you in case you would like to change your mind," the doctor said then walked away.

There jack sat in the middle of the hallway, debating.

"What did he want?" Zach asked jack once jack walked into the room.

"Nothing love, he just said that it would take five more minutes due to a surgery being delayed," jack said, not wanting to say the truth. But Zach knew. He had heard.

"Alright Zach, are you ready?" The hospital nurse asked Zach as a team walked in.

Zach nodded and they began to wheel him out of the room and into the surgery room.

Passing by many doors, he looked to his right. And there he saw the little girl as she watched spongebob. Her dad crying outside her door. Zach's heart ached.

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