♡ ︎Interview Revealed ~ Jorbyn ♡︎

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Ship(s): jorbyn (Jonah and Corbyn)

Prompt: in which Corbyn and Jonah go an interview and reveal a little more than they intended too

Famous or nah: famous

-3rd person POV-

"Are we ready?" Jimmy Fallon asked the couple who stood on the side of the opening where they would come out from.

"Ready as we ever will be," Jonah laughed as he rubbed his hands together. Corbyn smiling at jimmy who smiled back.

"See you guys in a second," jimmy at the couple then left as he was called on stage.

The couple hadn't been out but we were "best friends" to the public so they agreed to do the interview together with Jimmy Fallon. Kill two birds with one stone.

"Please welcome my two good friends Jonah Marais and Corbyn besson everyone." Jimmy introduced the two as the audience erupted into cheers. The two men getting the cue to walk into the set.  

The two men walked across the stage, waving at the crowd then each giving Jimmy a bro hug.

"Hello, how are you guys?" Jimmy said once the men had sat down and the audience had died down with their screaming.

"We've been good." Jonah smiled at Jimmy as he laughed once he saw Jimmy wiggle his eyebrows.

"I heard you guys moved in together, is that true?" Jimmy asked the men who laughed but each nodded their head.

"Yes we did." Corbyn finally said.

"Why's that?" Jimmy asked on, trying to get any detail of the secret couple.

"We just thought we'd give it a try. Plus both of us are far from home. So having each other there can give us some type of confront." Jonah explained but laughed as he Jimmy grin at a specific sentence.

"Give it a try, huh," Jimmy said as he wiggled his eyebrows, the two men laughing.

"He's not my boyfriend Jimmy," Jonah laughed.

"Oh really?" Jimmy asked as he arched an eyebrow.

"Really," Corbyn nodded in agreement.

"Are you sure?" Jimmy asked once again.

"They just don't get it," Corbyn said to Jonah as jonah laughed.

"And they don't have to." Jonah laughed.

"That's right. Let's go babe." Corbyn said, laughing as he stood up as a joke but covered his mouth once he realized what word came out.

And cue the audience losing their shit as Corbyn sat back down, covering his face as jonah laughed, putting his hand on corbyn's back as Corbyn hunched over.

"You just outed us," Jonah laughed as Corbyn groaned in embarrassment causing the crowd to laugh but cheer in excitement.

"How long?" Jimmy as the couple.

Jonah and Corbyn shared a look then nodded at each other.

"A year and eight months." Jonah admitted as the crowd gasped along with Jimmy.

"Whoa!" Jimmy exclaimed. "Why keep it hidden for so long?" Jimmy questioned the couple.

"We liked our privacy." Jonah shrugged his shoulders.

"It's not that we didn't want to tell anyone because some of friends know and most of our families know. It's just living in the spotlight, we are very open. And our relationship was kept hidden. We liked it like that. We had no pressure to be perfect and we know from experience and friends that being in the spotlight with a relationship adds so much stress to people." Corbyn explained further.

"I'm really happy for you guys. Not that you need my approval nor support but I'm one hundred percent team JORBYN." Jimmy laughed as the couple did too.

"Thank you, it means a lot to us." Jonah said as Jimmy nodded.

"What's one thing y'all always fight about?" Jimmy asked out of nowhere which caused everyone to laugh.

"My hoodies." Jonah immediately responded as Corbyn rolled his eyes playfully.

"How come?" Jimmy asked as he laughed.

"He's always stealing my hoodies!" Jonah exclaimed as he threw his hands up in the air causing the audience to laugh.

"Like just give me back my hoodies!" Jonah said to Corbyn as he laughed.

"I will once you give me back my virginity." Corbyn responded with as he covered his mouth.

"Oh my god," Jimmy wheezed out in between laughs as everyone in the room bursted out laughing.

"This interview needs to stop before my manger drops me." Corbyn laughed.

"Which reminds me, it's time for commercial." Jimmy said in between chuckles.

"Thank you for joining us Corbyn and jonah. Give it up for the new out couple." Jimmy said as he stood up, the two men doing the same as the crowd clapped and cheered.

"Thank you for having us," Corbyn said as both he and jonah gave Jimmy one last hug before leaving the stage.

The night ending with laughs and a very funny lecture with their management. But smiles and happiness flooded their hearts as they saw on media that they're friends were completely happy with the news but supportive.

Hello beautiful people! Im trying my best to get one shots done bc I've been lacking at updating lmao!

Hoping this one shot made you smile. Or even just brought a smile to ya beautiful face :)




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I love you all so much!

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