♡︎ Old & New Feelings ~ Zaniel ♡︎

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Ship(s): zaniel (Daniel and Zach)

Prompt: Daniel's last life revolves around hate and homophobia. So he automatically found comfort in his now ex boyfriend. But when a kiss between the two happens and sparks old feelings. What does Daniel do? Especially with his current boyfriend who has done nothing but help Daniel

Famous or nah: nah

Famous or nah: nah

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-3rd person POV-

Daniel had his AirPods Pro in, his attention on the music and on the scenery as he walked around the park. It was part of his routine. He loved time to himself. Especially in nature. It eased his anxieties and worries. And it helped him reflect on his life. To be grateful for the small things. To think about how far he has come. And to think of how all the things he used to think he would ever be able to overcome, he has overcame.

Daniel often thought of his childhood. It was an amazing childhood. Until he turned fourteen. It went downhill after that. Specifically after he came out to his family. He never knew two words could simply turn everything around.

"I'm Gay," we're the two simple words that changed everything.

His family became distant and often used slur words towards him. His family not liking Daniel liking the same gender as him. It was hard. Daniel was shown nothing but love before that. And for him to be stripped of every loving emotion he's felt, definitely took a toll on him.

But Daniel lived. Thanks to his then boyfriend Corbyn. Corbyn did everything for Daniel. He would drop anything if Daniel needed anything. And by anything, it was truly anything. Even if it was simply a hug. Corbyn was Daniel's safe space. His home. His first love. So when they called it quits and Daniel went back to how he was feeling, Daniel truly felt alone. Like he had never felt before.

Then Zach Herron came into his life. Zach picked him up from the ground. Now it's not something Daniel will ever admit to this but Daniel might have fallen for Zach because in some way, the same situation reminded him of Corbyn.

As Daniel walked to his car, he heard his name being called. Daniel turned around and stopped in his tracks. There, walking towards him was his first ever love. Corbyn Matthew Besson. I'm his arms carrying his art supplies. He often went to the park to paint. Daniel knew that. But he also that Corbyn stuck to a strict schedule. And every since he got with Zach, he avoided coming at the time Corbyn would be here.

"Hey, it's been so long. How ya been?" Corbyn beamed a smile at Daniel. A smile that Daniel's heart beamed with joy at.

"I've been good. How about you?" Daniel smiled back.

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