♡︎ Halloween Night ~ Janah ♡︎

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Ship(s): janah (Jack and jonah)

Prompt: Jack is upset when he goes out trick or treating and no one is handing out his favorite candy. But the last house just happens to have his favorite candy

Famous or nah: nah

Famous or nah: nah

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-3rd person POV-

Jack slowly dragged his feet to the last house on his journey. A pout evident on his face. The bag on his right hand filled with tons of candy but his favorite candy was nowhere to be found.

Jack he decided that this was the last house he was going to try. He had already given up. He had lost all hope to find someone who was giving out his favorite candy. Like who doesn't give out sweet-tarts.

Jack fixed his firefighter hat as it begin to slip down once again. His yellow suspenders being clipped to his khakis and a pair of black air forces on his feet. His upper waist being naked considering he was a hot firefighter. His abs on full display.

His eyes scanned the house. Doing a quick skim through just to make sure nothing looking too sketchy. With a nod of his head for approval, Jack began to walk to the front door.

Jack raised his fist and knocked on the door, waiting patiently for someone to open the door. His eyes looking behind him, seeing a few scatter around the neighborhood as they all asked for candy. Jack didn't care if he was considered too old to do this. He enjoyed it. And no one had a problem giving candy to a college student. They were all happy to see someone his age do it. Often giving him extra as a boost of energy to do his homework as they would put it.

"Trick or treat." Jack smiled at the handsome stranger who opened the door.

"Well dang, I had no idea people our age still did this." The stranger said as he licked his lips, staring at Jack. The stranger looking not over 20.

"I enjoy it and it's a night of free candy. Why not?" Jack shrugged as the stranger nodded his head in agreement.

"Well I will definitely be doing this next year then." The stranger said as his blue eyes shined underneath the porch light.

"But sorry dude, all I have is sweet-tarts." The stranger stated as he showed Jack a bowl of candy. His favorite candy to be exact.

A gasp escaping past jacks lips.

"Oh my god! I have been searching for someone all night to be giving these out. And no one has!" Jack exclaimed.

"What?! These are my favorite candy! And the best ones! No one wants these when I tell them to pick out their candy." The stranger explained as jacks lips parted in shock.

"That's my favorite candy as well!" Jack said with a smile on his face. Causing the strange to return one as well.

"My name is jonah." The stranger now known as jonah said as he held out his hand.

"I'm jack," Jack said as he shook Jonah's hand.

"Nice to meet you. I love your taste in candy." Jonah said as Jack laughed. Jonah joining him.

"Thank you. I like yours as well." Jack laughed.

"I go to Emory University. How about you?" Jonah asked Jack.

"Oh my God! No way! I do too." Jack exclaimed. Excitement written all over his face.

"We should hang out sometime." Jonah suggested as Jack nodded his head.

"I would love that." Jack said as he pulled out his phone. Jonah doing the same.

They swapped phones, putting in their contact information in each other's phone then giving the other their own phone back.

"I should be going home now." Jack said as jonah nodded.

Jonah turned to the side and grabbed three family packs of the sweet-tarts and handed them to Jack.

"Here, take these." Jonah suggested as Jack shook his head.

"I can't take these jonah. You bought them." Jack said as he refused to take them.

"I know but treat or treating is almost done. Plus no one wants them. I'll just have them as extras. I insist." Jonah explained.

"Why don't you keep them for yourself?" Jack asked.

"Cause I bought three packs for myself thinking these were gonna be gone by the end of the night." Jonah further explained as they both burst out into laughter.

"Are you sure?" Jack asked as jonah held out the bags once again for Jack to take.

"I'm positive." Jonah smiled at the younger man.

"How could I ever repay you?" Jack asked the older one as he took the three bags into his hands.

"Let me take you out on a date." Jonah said as Jack blushed.

"I would love that." Jack stated as jonah smiled down at him. The height difference bring absolutely adorable.

"Now go home before it gets late. I would hate for something to happen to you." Jonah said as Jack nodded. Turning his head over his shoulder as he saw the sun beginning to go down.

"I'll text you later." Jonah said as Jack turned around, ready to head home.

"I look forward to it." Jack winked as he smiled. Then headed the opposite direction of the house.

Jonah shaking his head with a smile. Never did jonah predict his Halloween night going like this. But he was so happy it did.

I have gotten pretty bad at updating but I'm trying! Life be stressful. I barely have time to breath!

This was a requested one shot so I hope you enjoyed it!



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I love you all so much!

I love you all so much!

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