♡ Young Love~Jachary ♡

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Ship(s): jachary (jack and Zach) mentions of jorbyn (jonah and corbyn)

Prompt: The truth is that jachary are no more. They are in their early 20's and well, they are falling apart. After all, when they were planning their future, it was just young love

Famous or nah: famous

-Zach's POV-

Maybe it was just me. I felt like it was just me. He looked relief as I packed my shit up. He would be staying here. I mean after all, it was his house. But the memories in here were ours.

We both agreed to end things. But why did it hurt me more then him? He looked fine whereas I looked like an absolute bullshit of a mess. We had our future planed. What the fuck happen?

Jack and I were no more. The happy memories began to fade and were replaced with bad memories.

"Here's your hoodie," he handed me my blue champion hoodie as I took it from his hand and put it in my suitcase.

My heart broke each time I put something in my suitcase. Each little thing that I packed seemed to have a memory of Jack. 

"Thank you," I told him as I zipped up my suitcase.

I put it next to my duffle bag by the bedroom door. All my other stuff was in my car. I would be staying with my best friend Jonah for awhile and his boyfriend Corbyn.

"If you don't mind me asking, you do have a place to stay right?" Jack asked me softly as I looked up into his eyes. Concern evident in his eyes.

"Yea. I'll be staying with Jonah," I paused as I looked down. Noticing his fist clenched and he tensed when I mentioned Jonah. "And his boyfriend Corbyn," I finished as he visibly relaxed. 

"Oh ok," he nodded at me.

"I'm going to look around real quick. To make sure I got everything," I told him as he nodded, signaling me to go right ahead.

I walked to the bathroom and looked around. Making sure that I had my stuff. Next I walked to the shower to make sure I didn't forget my hair products. After I was done with the bathroom, I walked to the closet. My eyes roamed the small area, making sure I didn't forget anything.

As I looked around the small area, my eyes landed on a bear that was on the ground. I walked towards it and bent down to pick it up. I stood back up and noticed that it was the bear Jack had one for me on our first date. Tears brimmed my eyes as I remembered the memory.

"Look what I found," I softly chuckled as I walked toward jack as he spun around.

"Oh," he laughed, taking the small bear in his arms.

"I'm guessing we found both found something huh," he said as I looked up at him in confusion.

My eyes looked over as he held up two small brackets. A smile formed on my lips as I realized what they were.

"Our charm brackets for one another!" I exclaimed as he nodded.

"Here you go. Keep it. For memories. While I keep mine," he said, handing me the smaller bracket as I nodded and slipped the bracelet into my wrist.

"Well, that's all of my stuff," I told him.

"Oh ummm well ok. Good luck Zach. With you know, life," he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Goodbye Jack. And you too. Don't be a stranger," I told him as I headed to the bedroom door and walked out with my duffel bag and suitcase. Jack following right behind me.

"Well this is it," I told him as I opened the door.

"Oh wait! You're hoodie," I exclaimed as I pointed down to the hoodie I was wearing.

"Keep it. I kept one of yours," he said as I looked at him in shock.

"Are you sure?" I asked him. "It's your favorite," I told him, hesitating on taking it.

"Yea, it looks better on you then it ever did on me," he said as we both laughed.

"Well see ya Jack," I waved to him as I stepped out of the house and headed to my car.

"Later Zach!" He waved back as I climbed into my car after I put my stuff in the back.

I waved once more and began to pull out. He still stood there. As I began to drive away, a tear fell down his cheek. And it hit me that he was feeling it as well. Not just me.

But we were only in our 20's. We didn't have our life figured out.

After all, why Jack and I had was young love. Young love never usually has a happy ending. It's the love you think you'd end up marrying but it's your first love that will teach you your first lesson on actual heartbreak.

I drove away with an empty heart. I could and will never forget Jack. And everything that we had. But it was temporarily what we had. In the end, it was just

Young Love

Hope you enjoyed this one shot!



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The fandom was shook today! 😂

But nonetheless, I wish Jack, Gabbie, and Lavender nothing but happiness and love. Ik we all know that the babygirl wasn't planned, but a baby is a blessing. They are going to be amazing parents. I'm really happy they decide to keep it a secret. Gabbie already gets enough hate, imagine how it would have been if they knew.

Lavender May Avery, welcome to this world, you have amazing parents, family, friends, uncles, Aunts, and people who support you and love you already. Including us limelight's, you have already stole our hearts with how absolutely beautiful you are :)

 Including us limelight's, you have already stole our hearts with how absolutely beautiful you are :)

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(Ps I NEED a pic of corbyn holding Lav, it's not a want, it's a NEED)

(Ps I NEED a pic of corbyn holding Lav, it's not a want, it's a NEED)

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