♡︎ Forgotten ~ Zorbyn ♡︎

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Ship(s): Zorbyn (Zach and Corbyn)

Prompt: in which Corbyn disappears after suffering a head injury leaving behind a confused and heartbroken boyfriend but cross paths years later only to not remember ever being part of his life

Famous or nah: nah

-Corbyn's POV-

I walked down the street as I was getting groceries to prepare dinner tonight for my boyfriend, Zach, and I. Tonight was date night per my request. Especially since it was our one year anniversary of dating. I was going to surprise him with a special gift. And I was going to tell him that I was ready to tell my family about us. I had yet to come out to my family. But it was time.

I looked both sides and began running across the street. Before I could even react or remember what happened, I felt a huge impact on the side of my body as my body went flying. Landing on the side of my body, my head hit the ground. Everything went blurry as I heard people surround my limp body. Next thing I knew, my vision went black as I laid in the middle of the road.


I groaned as my head was pounding causing me to wake up from the immense of pain. I opened my eyes and quickly closed them due to the bright lights.

Slowly, I opened them again, blinking to let them adjust to the bright lights.

"Corbyn, oh my god! You're awake!" A person exclaimed beside me.

I groaned at the loud noise as they immediately apologized right after.

"Where am I? What happened?" I asked the person who I recognized as my mom and beside my mom was Ashely, my sister. 

"Hi, I'm Dr. Reid." A man with a white coat came in the room.

"Seems to me that everything is alright."
He nodded as he looked over a clipboard that was at the end of my bed.

"You are allowed to leave, just sign the papers and check yourself out," he said as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I think minors couldn't check themselves out?" I questioned my doctor. A shocked expression appeared on his face as well as my mom and Ashely.

"What year are we in Corbyn?" Dr. Reid asked me.

"2018, I turn 18 next year," I told him.

"Mrs. Besson, please follow me," Dr. Reid asked my mother as she nodded and followed him out the door.

"I'm glad you're awake big bro," Ashely smiled at me.

"Aww you're getting all sappy on me," I teased her.

"Don't make me put you back into your coma," she threatened as I laughed. But then froze.

"I was in a coma?" I asked her in shocked.

"Yes. You were walking across the street and a car hit you," she explained.

Before I could say anything else, my mom and Dr. Reid walked back into the room.

"Alright after looking more closely into your brain exams, you have a kind of amnesia that has made you forget the last two years of your life." Dr. Reid explained to me as I froze.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"I'm sorry to say that you might never recover those last two years Corbyn," he explained to me.

"You can try and recover those but there is no guarantee." Dr. Reid said. "I suggest let them come naturally or have family try and help. But don't push yourself to much. But other than that, you are good to go." Dr. Reid smiled at me.

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