♡ I Wouldn't Have Been Able To Leave ~ Zonah ♡

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Ship(s): Zonah (Jonah and Zach)

Prompt: in which World War III has caused Zach and Jonah to say goodbye

Famous or nah: nah

-3rd person POV-

Zach looked at the letter in his hands with shaky fingers. He was terrified. He had no clue what this letter held. It was addressed to him from overseas. Where his husband was deployed at.

Zach took a deep breath as he began to open the letter. He prayed to the Heavens above that it was just an update letter.

Zach opened up the letter and began to read.

Dear Zach,

It's me Jonah. I'm okay love bug. It's scary over here without you. I miss you so much. I miss holding you, I miss seeing you, I miss waking up to you, I miss sleeping with you, but most importantly, I miss saying I love you to you in person. But I'm happy I was drafted over you. I wouldn't want your innocent mind to be crippled from the stuff I've seen.

I hope you're doing okay. I'm being safe just for you. Please make sure you're eating and getting plenty of rest. I want you to be healthy for when I get back. All the adventures we can do. Take care of yourself.

I wanted to talk to you about my departure. I wanted to explain things to you. When we arrived at the airport, I was so scared. For you, for me, for us. Then my flight got called, I remember the look you gave me. We were terrified. Both of us. We both knew I was getting on that plane but we had no idea if I were going to be the airplane to come back. That was the scariest part. I had no clue if I was ever going to have you in my arms again. I still don't know.

The look you gave me is one I could never forget. You held so much emotions. Angry, sad, fearful, so many emotions. I wrapped you in my arms for the last time in a long time. I made sure to enjoy every second just in case it would be my last. I whispered I love you in your ear. You whispered it back as your voice cracked. I felt your tears soaking my uniform. I tried my best not to cry but I shed a few tears. How could I not?

We pulled away and I gave you my ring. The same ring that belonged to my grandpa. It had been passed through generations. I hope you still wear it. And if anything were to happen to me, I hope you pass it down to our son.

My flight was called for last boarding. I had to leave. I picked up my bags as tears fell down your cheeks. I got down on one knee and kissed your belly where our son was. My heart still burns that I wasn't able to be there as he came into the world. My heart still breaks as you do this alone. I'm really sorry. I didn't want our first child to be like this. With me on the other side of the world.

But I got back up and said my goodbye to my family. Next, I kissed your pink beautiful lips one time.

As I walked to my tunnel, I so badly wanted to look back. To see you one last time. To see our son one last time.

But I couldn't.

I handed my ticket to the flight attendant and she said the same words I was thinking.

"Don't look back, you won't be able to get on that plane"

I knew she was right. That's why I couldn't look back. I knew we both agreed that I would look back. But I couldn't Zach. I'm really sorry. I had to go fight for you, for my son, and for my family. That's why I couldn't look back. No matter how much I wanted to.

Because if I looked back, I wouldn't have been able to leave.

I know one day we'll be together again. I promise. Take care of yourself and our son. I'll be home soon. I promise Zach.

I love you so much and our son. Make sure to tell him that I love him.

I'll send you a letter again soon.

I love you and Jason

-J. Marais

Zach stood in his kitchen as he sobbed. His husband was okay. After a few months, Zach knew that Jonah was okay.

He remembered Jonah not looking back. But he knew. Jonah had clutched his knuckle as he walked to the tunnel. Zach noticed and he understood. He had already forgiven Jonah a long time ago.

But one thing stood out to Zach. The sentence Jonah had written.

Because if I looked back, I wouldn't have been able to leave.

The amount of work I get done when I actually wake up early 😂 I woke up at 10 and got done by 1. Yesterday I woke up at 12 and got down at 6! Like y'all!

Okay but the amount of work we are getting is ridiculous! I'm getting more work through online than I did in the classroom! I call bs! Good thing my friends and I FaceTimed to get our shit done 😎 y'all call it cheating, I call it using my resources 😎



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Love you guys!

Also! If u DIDNT see my message board, I'm out of school until April 1st! They changed it! So hopefully I can write more!

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