♡ Tired~Jorbyn ♡

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Ship(s): Jorbyn (Corbyn and jonah)

Prompt: Arranged marriage, something Corbyn demanded with Jonah and forced him into. Corbyn is sick, his heart was giving out as a teenager, he fell in love with Jonah as he was falling in love with someone else. So Corbyn forced Jonah into a marriage. Now 3 years later, Corbyn is forced to say goodbye. His heart is weaker now and ready to give out any minute. Corbyn is a ticking time bomb that can explode any minute now.

Famous or nah: only Jonah

-Corbyn's POV-

I sighed as I looked at the time. It was 2 am now and he still wasn't back. I knew he was out with Tate. After all, she was carrying his baby.

Jonah and I have been married for three years now. I forced him into this marriage. Jonah Marias is my husband but also the famous pop star that is well known. I was being selfish but I fell in love with him. I knew I didn't have a lot of time on this earth. After all, my heart was weak. It was slowly giving out now. And now it was time to say goodbye.

I stared at the yellow/orange envelope. The papers signed with my signature along with Jonah's. He had sign them before this marriage even started. And I understood him. I did force him into this after all.

Tate, the girl Jonah fell in love with willing. I wasn't mad at Jonah, he fell for her with no one telling him he had to. And you can't help for who your heart falls for. So I decided that it was time to let go of Jonah.

It was time that I let him out of this cage that he was trapped in. It wasn't fair for him. It was time for him to start his family with the person he does love.

And I had to fly back to my momma. My heart would give out any minute and I wanted to pass away in my momma's arms just like my daddy did.

Suddenly the door was closed alerting me that Jonah had arrived and would be in our room any minute now. I say it's our room because it makes me feel better, even though he doesn't sleep in here.

"Corbyn?" Jonah whispered as he walked in.

"Hey Jonah, please come sit," I told him, patting the space in front of me.

The envelope behind my back where he couldn't see it since I moved it there before he had come into the room.

"What's up?" He asked me.

I slowly crawled to him and just hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me, confused, but none the less hugged me back.

"What's that?" He asked me, pointing at the envelope behind my back causing me to tense up.

I removed myself from him and sat down in my position that I was in before he came.

"This is what you have always wanted," I told him as I grabbed the envelope from behind my back.

"Corbyn, you didn't," he whispered with hurt in his eyes.

"I did. I realized now that this isn't fair for you. I trapped you in a cage that you didn't belong in. I took away your freedom and I had  absolutely no right to. I was being selfish. But I'm giving it back now." I told him in a strong voice even though inside, it was breaking my heart even more.

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