♡ No Longer The Person I Love~Zonah ♡

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Ship(s): Zonah (Zach and Jonah)

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Ship(s): Zonah (Zach and Jonah)

Prompt: Jonah has changed for the worst due to him hanging out with the wrong crowd. And Zach decides to leave because Jonah is no longer the same person Zach fell in love with

Famous or nah: nah

-3rd person POV-

High school, one of the worst four years of your life. Along with one of the best four years of your life. Those four years teach you very valuable lessons. It teachers you who your real friends are, who sticks by your side, and it changes people. Some for the best, some for the worst. But when you walk across that stage, looking back, you know damn well you wouldn't change a thing or do anything differently in those four years. You wouldn't trade those four years of tears, laughs, smiles, hugs, sadness, happiness, weirdness, for anything. Because those four years taught you so much and some of the most valuable things you will ever learn in your life. Most of the lessons, being the hardest ones.

And that's exactly what happened with Zach. And his first love.

-Zach's POV-

"STOP HURTING ME!" I yelled at Jonah, my boyfriend of almost four years.

"IM TIRED OF IT!" I kept yelling, tears running down my cheeks.

"When did things change? When did you change?" I whispered softly.

"Fuck! We use to be the it couple at school. Everyone wanted to find love like ours Jonah!" I screamed at him as he watched me break down in front of him.

"Now they hope they don't find love like ours. We are toxic to each other," I said as he gulped.

"Every since you got with those friends of yours, you've been nothing but bad for me," I shook my head.

"You've changed Jonah," I whimpered.

"We all change Zach. Why can't you understand that?" He asked.

"I do understand. I understand people change, things change, but I don't understand why you have to hurt me and call it change." I said, tears falling down my cheeks.

"You blow off dates, you keep me waiting like a fucking dumbass at the restaurants, you stay out late, you ditch me for your friends, and instead of cuddling me, you're yelling at me." I sobbed out.

"Well why can't i hang out with my friends?!" He semi yelled.

"I never said you couldn't. I supported you the first few months cause I was proud of you." I took a deep breath.

"But I never told you to ditch the person who has been there for you all these years. You've known them for a year jonah! I've been by your side for almost four! What is it that they have that I don't? Cigarettes? Alcohol? Drugs? Vapes?" I yelled at him.

"Lately Jonah, Ive been the only one trying in this relationship. It seems to me that you've given up on this relationship. I won't keep fighting the two of us if you aren't even going to put in the effort." I shook my head.

"What are you trying to say?" He asked, voice cracking.

"Im saying, I think we need a break," I admitted as tears brimmed his eyes.

"But we've been together for almost four years. We've never taken a break Zach," he said.

"Exactly. Use to i didn't have to worry about the things you've done. I didn't have to worry where you were, if you were safe, or if you were even gonna show up to a date or cuddle session. I knew you were safe, I knew where you were, and you'd always pick me up for dates." I told him.

"I'm sorry Jonah," i whispered to him.

"I gotta go," I told him as he looked up from the ground.

"Where are you going?" He asked me, sounding alert.

"I'm going to Corbyn's until Friday night. Friday night is when my flight takes off," i confessed.

"Why?! Your family is here, your friends are here!" He yelled.

"I need to take my mind off some things. And with spring break coming, I will be doing just that. Only Corbyn and Jack are joining me. They stuck by my side all this time and we had this planned out," I told him as hurt filled his eyes.

"Will we ever get back together?" He softly whispered.

"I'm not sure jonah," I whispered back.

"How come?" He asked me.

"Because you are no longer the person I-," I paused, feeling the lump in my throat rise as Jonah's Adam's apple bobbed.

"I love," I finished as I picked up my stuff and walked out the door.

Tears running down my cheeks, sobs escaped my mouth once I made it to the car. Shit. Heart breaks hurts like a mother fucker.

And with that I drove off. Not having an idea if I would ever end up back in Jonah's arms.

Hello people! What's up?! I'm sorry I haven't updated this week much. My plan was to update everyday since I was on spring break. But I've been moving, busy, and then work. So I'm really sorry! But I hope you still enjoyed this one shot!

I love you guys so much and I hope y'all never forget that



And follow me


Question: are you guys seeing any of the boys live on this tour? Or have you guys gone to any of the shows?

My answer: sadly I haven't and will not. I was suppose to go to the one on Daniel's birthday, but things came up and I couldn't go :(

 I was suppose to go to the one on Daniel's birthday, but things came up and I couldn't go :(

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